♡ 15 | Apology

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"We're...jujutsu users?" You stare at Kamo in confusion while he's finishing off the last bandage wrap against your side. The boy nods his head as he carefully lowers your shirt down. You feel the heat in your face still burning a crimson. You had insisted on changing your bandages yourself but apparently Kamo's been the one to change them while you were in a deep sleep. 

There's a long silence as you take everything in. Okkotsu and you both had awaken your powers because of Orimoto. Kamo was sent to watch the four of you by Gojo and a man named Nanami. Now that your powers have awaken, you'll be taken to Tokyo Jujutsu High. There they will help you strengthen your powers. 

While you had passed out, Okkotsu held off Orimoto until the others came to the rescue. Kamo didn't directly tell you that Orimoto was sentenced to death but you can only assume that is the safest possibility. He had told you she was too powerful for a cursed spirit. Her emotions towards Okkotsu manifested into a negative energy. All because she was deeply infatuated by Okkotsu and only wanted him to herself. 

You timidly look over to Okkotsu who's looking outside the window. He wears a blank expression and his eyes seem so far away. You wonder what Okkotsu must've went through during his time with Orimoto. Had he avoided you for Orimoto's sake? If so, Okkotsu must've loved her up until he decided to fight back.

The sound of rustling catches your attention when you look back over to Kamo. He slowly stands up from his seat, his gray eyes silently looking at you. "Now that you're awake, I'll be returning to Kyoto soon. Make sure to soak in as much information as you can from Gojo and Nanami. Your life changes from here on Y/N."

There's a sadness in your heart when you see Kamo say his farewells. The boy never left your side for an entire week. You probably worried him endlessly. You nod your head to his words, raising a pinky to him. "I promise to not let you down Kamo-senpai." A smile laces your lips with a soft giggle. 

Kamo seems surprised by your words. You notice the corner of his lips twitch into a tiny smile. He wraps his pinky around yours, sealing the promise. "Thank you for everything. Keep in contact, okay? We still have plenty of things to do on your list Kamo when you visit us again." Your smile never leaves when you look at Kamo. 

Your pinkies slowly unravel as Kamo responds with silence. His eyes look past you towards Okkotsu. "Make sure to properly tell him how you feel." Kamo lowers his eyes back on you, a blush streaking across your face. "I know you can't get over him no matter how much you try." Kamo's large hand ruffles your hair before he leaves your side.

You watch his tall frame walk away as he mumurs a goodbye to the boys. Despite only knowing Kamo for a month, he really made an impact on your life. You genuinely want to work hard to make him proud. Lowering your eyes, you stare at the bandages that wrap against your skin like an apparel. Orimoto surely caused damage on you. 

"I'm sorry." A soft voice speaks up in the silent room. Inumaki and you both look over to see Okkotsu with a drooped head. His hands run through his disheveled black hair. Okkotsu's eyes waver and his eyes are glued to the blanket that's draped over his lap. He slowly balls up his hands into tight fists. 

Biting down on his lip, Okkotsu forces his eyes shut. "I should've told you both everything. If I did, things wouldn't have gone this way. None of us would be hurt and...and Rika would be alive." Okkotsu strains to say his last sentence. Tears begin to stream against his porcelain face.

The boys shoulders begin to shake as his sobs gradually louden. You and Inumaki both without hesitation hurry over to Okkotsu's side. You both join him on his bed, hugging him on each side. You feel his body shiver underneath yours as he gasps for air between sobs. Inumaki gently pats Okkotsu's back. 

"Don't blame everything on yourself Yuta." You murmur by his right ear. "Toge and I are still your friends. And honestly, I think the outcome would be the same if you did tell us." You pull away to look at Okkotsu. His dark blue glossy eyes turn to look at you. 

Pursing your lips, you think carefully on your choice of words. "Rika wanted you to herself. If you had told us, maybe..." Your eyes drift to Inumaki. "There would've been other casualties." Orimoto stated it loud and clear she should've killed you. If Okkotsu told you and Inumaki, it wouldn't just be you who would die. 

Okkotsu seems to put your untold words together. The thought deepens his frown. He wraps his arms around you and Inumaki, embracing the two of you. "I don't know what I did to deserve you two." Okkotsu croaks out, sniffling.

You don't have anything else to say. No words can comfort his aching heart right now. You can only embrace him a little tighter. 

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now