♡ 12 | Enough

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Orimoto clings closely to Okkotsu, her arm laced around his. Today's the day the class visits the aquarium. It's also White day. The day he's been dreading. Traditionally, Okkotsu would already have a gift ready for Orimoto weeks in advance. But not this year. Okkotsu's been mentally trapped. 

He struggles to sleep and when he does he snaps out of it in an instant. If he were to sleep, he'll have nightmares of Orimoto. This is no good. When is enough, enough? Orimoto seems blind to Okkotsu's well being. She must be starry eyed at the fact that Okkotsu's done everything she's asked of him. 

Now he's lost two friends and it's all his fault. Okkotsu's lost his outlet and peace, Y/N and Inumaki. If only he wasn't terrified of Orimoto. Okkotsu's lost in thought of how much he hates his positioning. He hardly takes in the sights of the marine life. He only slows down when he feels Orimoto tighten her grip on his arm. 

Her gaze is around the other couples around the aquarium. She nibbles on her lower lip, eyes glossing over. "Yuta, you didn't forget what today is...right?" Her voice is barely a whisper. Okkotsu nervously looks over to Orimoto. Her eyes meet his and Okkotsu feels as though her stare is slicing daggers through him.

Goosebumps litter down his arms as Okkotsu feels the need to pull away from her. But he stands there motionless. Orimoto's brows slowly furrow together when he responds to her with silence. Here comes the storm. Orimoto chews the inside of her cheek, her brow twitching.

A thought crosses Okkotsu's mind. One that surprises even himself. Orimoto is acting like a spoiled brat. The single thought stirs something within Okkotsu himself. A surge of confidence bubbles within him. "It's White day. What about it?" 

Orimoto's eyes snap wide, a look of disbelief written all over her face. "You did prepare me a gift, right?" Orimoto pulls her arm away from Okkotsu to clutch her hands into tight fists. The conversation is stirring into an argument in a public space. Thankfully everyone's distracted in their own world. Those who overhear only quickly walk away. 

Okkotsu stares at his arm where Orimoto clutched so tightly earlier. He slowly rubs the area, avoiding Orimoto's gaze. Orimoto doesn't take kindly to Okkotsu ignoring her. She repeats her question again through clench teeth and flared nostrils. "Yuta Okkotsu. You did get me a gift, right?" 

The hairs on Okkotsu's arms rise from the fear riddling his body. He needs to put this to a stop. Orimoto is acting far out of line for too long now. His eyes slowly look up to the enraged Orimoto. There's a strange energy that gives Okkotsu confidence. "I did not." Okkotsu meekly answers Orimoto. 

The girl snaps as she growls out from her teeth. She begins to shout cruel things towards him. How selfish he is and so on. Okkotsu only stands there, taking her verbal abuse. He's tired of calming Orimoto down. Closing his eyes, he tries to drain her out. 

But something startling happens instead. A monstrous sound roars and it causes a massive panic within the area. Okkotsu is thrown off when a strong heat erupts and he's knocked back on his feet. Okkotsu snaps his eyes open to see something terrifying. A monster stands where Orimoto previously was.

How? Is this reality? Or is his delirious mind playing tricks with him? Monsters don't exist. Okkotsu frantically looks around him but no one seems to see the monster in front of him. They're actually running away from the water leaking out of the glass beside him. 

"YUTA!" The monster a large muscular upper body, long arms, and a tail-like shadow calls out to Okkotsu. "YUTA, DO YOU NOT LOVE ME ANYMORE?" The monster begins to creep closer to Okkotsu. Okkotsu begins to panic as he scrambles to get up on his feet. 

His chest heaves up and down heavily. This is a dream right?! That monster isn't Rika is it?! Okkotsu is unable to run far when the monster begins to lunge at him. He braces for the attack with his arms shielding his face. But there's no pain. 

"FREEZE!" A familiar voice shouts out in front of Okkotsu. Okkotsu nervously looks forward with his arms down. There stands Inumaki. Okkotsu stares in shock to see Inumaki use his speech command on Orimoto. She is frozen still but for how long? 

Inumaki profusely coughs, not having used his powers in years. Something warm touches Okkotsu's shoulders. His eyes dart up to see Y/N with a worried expression. "Are you hurt Yuta? Let's go. If we stay here, it'll only get worse." Seeing Y/N again causes Okkotsu's heart to sink. 

Why is she treating him so kindly despite how cold he's been to her? "YUTA!" The monster cries out again. Y/N snaps her attention forward and that's when Okkotsu realizes that Inumaki and her are able to see this monster. He feels Y/N's hand tremble against his shoulders. 

Okkotsu scrambles to his feet, while Y/N removes her hands away from him. "YUTA DON'T YOU DARE RUN AWAY. WE'RE NOT DONE." A horrid scream rings out in Okkotsu's ears. He feels as though his eardrums are bleeding. His hands quickly cover his ears as he clenches his teeth in agony.

"W-WHO IS THAT?!" Y/N shouts out. Inumaki's cast is over when Orimoto begins to swipe at the three. The three don't run away unscathed. In fact the three are now clawed with a fresh wounds against their skins.

Okkotsu glances over at Y/N and Inumaki who hiss out in pain. Something stirs within him when he sees the two friends that risked themselves for him. A strong energy erupts from his body, creating a blue flame. "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH RIKA. YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR!" 

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now