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I should have skipped afternoon classes.

That was her first thought when Katana turned the corner and came to a halt in the middle of the hallway.

A huge crowd of mostly squealing and crying females stood in the corridor. Katana blew a strand of her black hair out of her face and let out a huff. The only way to her class was through this corridor and that meant she had to get through the crowd.

But before she did that, Katana pulled out her phone and recorded the whole thing for a few moments. With a small smirk, she put the phone away already thinking about how her best friend would freak out if he saw someone other than him getting all the attention.

Since he went abroad for a semester, Katana was the one who got him all the college's tea with screenshots and pictures. She couldn't let him out especially since the sport clubs here were getting crazy hype and there was always some drama going on.

Taking a breath, she grabbed the strap of her backpack which she had swung lazily around her shoulder and walked towards all these crazy people. The young woman went for the edge of the crowd in hopes it would be easier to get through.

No it wasn't. She rolled her dark brown eyes as she tried to squeeze through the squealing group. The black haired girl didn't even want to know what or who caused this mess.

Keeping her gaze to the front, she wanted to get away from there before her eardrums exploded while hoping not to get involved in any way.

Oh boy, she wished. Just when she was almost through, a male voice spoke up. "I'm sorry girls, but I want to celebrate with my girlfriend."

Not caring about it, Katana continued her way but stopped when someone grabbed her arm gently. "Right babe?"

The crowd errupted in gasps and other shocked and disappointed sounds. Some whispered among themselves and looked at Katana while others shot her dirty looks.

The young woman froze and looked over her shoulder. Her dark eyes meeting big golden ones. She knitted her eyerbows, "I'm not your-"

"Come on babe, don't be angry. I really wanted to tell you first but they held me back," the male interrupted and Katana narrowed her eyes at him trying to shake her arm free.

His grip was firm but still gentle as his eyes begged her to go with it.

However, Katana wasn't having it. "What-"

"Okay okay, we'll go now, don't worry," he said and grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. She stood in front of him and with his hands still on her shoulders, he walked out of the crowd, pushing her with him.

Katana knitted her eyebrows, not knowing what to do as she glanced at the male and his 'fans'.

He looked over his shoulder and forced a smile on his face. "Bye ladies," he waved before grabbing Katana's wrist and dragging her with him into an empty classroom.

When he closed the door, she immediately wiggled her wrist free. "What the fuck, dude?! What was that about?!" She furrowed her brows and glared at him. "If they come after me, I'll come after you. You can't just use someone as an excuse. What the fuck?!"

"Do you know who I am?" he asked her excitedly with a grin on his face.

Katana was taken aback by his stupid question and she eyed him. He had grey and black spikey hair and big golden eyes. His face looked way too happy to be in college. His body had a good build and he looked beefy. Plus he was tall, very tall. He's cute and hot.

She remembered seeing him somewhere and nodded slowly. His face fell and he sighed while Katana tried to remember his name.

"You're one of the sports guys everyone simps for," she said and bit her lip. His name was on the tip of her tongue. "Buka- no... Kabuto- no that's from Naruto, Bakuro? No. Yeah whatever," she mumbled to herself, rolling her eyes as his face lit up.

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