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The rest of the day went by quickly and Katana was glad that she could go home and do nothing.

That was until Bokuto approached her before she even left the building.

"Hey hey Kata-chan," he smiled and stopped in front of her.

"Hey hey, Kabuto-san," she greeted back with a small smile.

"You wanna watch volleyball practice?" He asked her excitedly, "You have to see me spike."

She tensed slightly and clenched her teeth. "I think I'll pass today. I still have some things to do," she slowly said and avoided looking at him while his face fell.

He sulked and nodded slowly with a small pout on his face. "Oh, okay. See you tomorrow then," he said before walking away.

Katana watched the sad Bokuto leave and pressed her lips together before hitting herself on the forehead. She cursed under her breath for feeling bad about rejecting him like that.

Gyms made her feel weird since her ex boyfriend was all she associated with them. After all, she spent her time in gyms mostly because of him and Tooru and that brought memories back. A small part of her still hadn't moved on.

"You can't let the stupid past control you," she mumbled to herself. Taking a deep breath, she followed Bokuto, already knowing she'll regret it later.

"Hey, wait!" She called after him before he entered the gym. He turned around and his face brightened immediately when he saw her.

Katana didn't get why he dragged her into his life more than necessary. It was a fake relationship after all, she didn't need to be at his volleyball practice or be with him all the time when he was with his friends.

"You came!" He said with a huge smile and Katana sighed.

Why does he have to be so happy and adorable?

She smiled slightly at him and waved it off. "I don't have too much to do. So, here I am," she said. That was not true. She had much to do but she wouldn't have done it at home anyway.

They walked to the gym and Bokuto entered but Katana stopped in the doorway. She paled and gulped down the lump in her throat as she looked at the court, memories flooding her mind.

You need to move on. That's simply a gym and a sport.

She took a breath when Kuroo snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Why are you late Bokuto?" he exclaimed but stopped and smirked when he saw Katana. "Ah, I see."

Bokuto looked over his shoulder at Katana who still stood in the doorway. "Don't just stand there. Come in," he told her and she gulped and nodded before entering and sitting down on the bench at the side of the court.

Practice started and she tried hard to concentrate in order to ignore the tightening of her stomach. Emphasis on tried. Katana couldn't focus and her mind was all over the place.

"Agaasheeeee, Kata-chan! Did you see that?" Bokuto's loud voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She quickly looked up and Bokuto sulked when he realized she didn't look.

"Sorry," she said in a shaky voice and Sugawara knitted his eyebrows and stepped forward.

"Are you okay? You're really pale," Sugawara said and Katana gulped and shook her head.

"I'm fine," she waved it off with a shaky hand and a weak smile. "I'll just get some water." And with that she left the gym to get to the next vending machine.

"Aren't you gonna go after her?" Kenma asked as they watched the girl leave.

Bokuto blankly looked at him. "Why should I? She's just gonna get some water."

Kuroo face palmed, "I can't believe she's dating someone like you. What kind of boyfriend are you?"

"Hey hey hey, I'm a good boyfriend," Bokuto argued and Akaashi raised his eyebrows.

Bokuto looked at his friends who gave him unimpressed looks. "I'll be right back," he quickly said and followed her.

Katana stood in front of the vending machine, taking deep breaths. "I can't let that control me forever. I need to move on," she told herself as she agressively sipped on her little orange juice pack.

She was angry at herself for letting herself be affected by all of that. "It's just a stupid gym and sports. People go the gym all the time. Heck, even Ikeda does with his stupid soccer club," she mumbled to herself.

Bokuto turned the corner and walked up to her right away. "Hey, you alright?" he asked when he saw her mumbling to herself.

She flinched and grabbed her package tighter. The orange juice spilled over her hand. She took the package in the other hand and shook the wet hand to get rid of the orange juice.

"I'm alright, don't worry," she said and shot him a small smile.

He got her some tissues from the toilet right beside the vending machine immediately.

"You really looked pale earlier, are you sure you're okay?" He slowly asked and she nodded keeping the good act up as she wiped her hand.

"It's fine, let's get back," she said with a smile. He nodded hesitantly and she threw the tissues away before following him back to the gym.

Katana managed to stay until practice ended without any other incident. She even managed to focus and was quite impressed by Bokuto and the whole team.

"So, how was I?" Bokuto excitedly asked her after practice while Katana handed him his water bottle.

She hummed and nodded. "You're pretty amazing," she told him as his face lit up, her comment building up his ego.

"Agashee, did you hear that? I'm amazing," he called out with a bright smile, looking at his best friend. Akaashi nodded slightly before rolling up the net with Kuroo.

Katana slightly smiled at her 'boyfriend's' happy aura. She couldn't help but be uplifted by his mere presence and she even felt bad for being mean to him or rejecting him which she was normally fine with doing to other people.

𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 [ᴋ. ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora