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"Ka-chan! You'll be late!" Tooru banged on her door, making Katana throw the covers over her head. She buried herself in her bed and held her breath when her door opened. Tooru barged into the room and opened the curtains and window. "I won't allow you to sulk in your room forever." He pulled the covers off her.

"Get lost, idiot." Katana buried her face in her pillow. She hadn't left her room since the dinner with Bokuto and she didn't plan to get out of bed for another week.

Tooru jumped on her bed before laying down beside her. "Make some space for me fatty," he said and pushed her to the side. She grumbled something under her breath and pushed him off the bed. He dramatically gasped and sat up, looking at her with wide eyes and a betrayed expression on his face. "Why would you do that?!"

Katana pressed her lips together and turned her back to him. "I told you to get lost. I wanna be alone."

He narrowed his eyes before jumping on her this time. She let out a yelp when Tooru's weight landed on her. He put his arms and legs around her and his head into her shoulder, squishing her tightly.

Damn these volleyball arms. Despite trying to wiggle out of his grip, he didn't let go of her. "I can't breathe, who's fat now, asshole?"

"You're not mad at me for questioning Bokuto like that, are you?" He mumbled into her shoulder, still not letting go of his best friend and ignoring her insult.

Katana stopped struggling and raised an eyebrow. "Why would I be mad at you?"

Tooru raised his head, looking at her face. "You're not?" He grinned and she nodded. Getting off her, he laid beside her. "Of course you're not mad at me."

Her lips curved into a smile before she slapped his forehead. She was glad that Tooru managed to cheer her up a bit, even if he was smug about it.

Oikawa glanced at her. Now that he was sure it wasn't his dramatic self that had her sulk in her room for the whole weekend, he wanted to know what it was. Sitting up, he looked at her. "Then why didn't you come out of your room? There was a nice movie I wanted to watch with you."

She sat up as well and gulped. "It's nothing," she shrugged.

Tooru narrowed his eyes. "Was it Bokuto? I swear I'm gonna smash his brains in." He clenched his jaw at the thought of someone hurting her.

Katana's eyes widened and she quickly shook her head. Tooru didn't know about the fake relationship so she couldn't even tell him about her newly gained feelings and that they created a huge problem. "No it's not him. I was just feeling kinda down."

The setter nodded and let out a sigh before getting out of her bed. He grinned and pulled her up as well. "Then get ready, we're going to college." His nose scrunched up and he held his nose, "And make sure to take a shower, you stink." Katana gasped and smelled on herself, making him laugh that she believed his joke.

"You idiot!" She threw a pillow after him, making him run out of her room, before she got ready with a heavy heart.


As soon as the two friends stepped onto campus, Katana told Tooru that she still had some work to do and quickly left. She didn't want to come face to face with Bokuto or any of the other guys. Tooru only hummed and shrugged it off as med student stress.

Katana managed to avoid the guys until the end of lunch break. She had spent all of her free time in the library and even ignored Bokuto's texts. She knew that it was childish of her but she didn't want to go through the same hurt and break up as she did with Iwaizumi. I'm only protecting myself. It's okay.

A breath left her lips when the bell rang, indicating that the break was over. Katana was glad that she didn't see any of the guys so far. But her relief didn't last for too long as she walked right into Bokuto's arms the moment she left the library.

"Ka-chan, there you are. I've been looking for you the whole day." He put his hands on her shoulders, eying her with concern. She didn't look at him and only sighed. "Are you okay?"

She nodded and shot him a brief tight smile before stepping away from him. "I'm fine," she said and slightly bit her lip. Maybe it's best if I end it now. She raised her head to look at him and opened her mouth to break up with him.


The couple snapped their heads to the voice's owner. Katana's face darkened when it was the same brunette that had slapped her. Turning her complete body towards her, she tilted her head to the side lightly. "You just don't get enough of me. Be careful, some might think you actually like me."

The brunette balled her fists and stepped closer to Katana. The girls behind her all glared at her, trying to seem intimidating. "We know your relationship is fake."

Bokuto's shoulders tensed while Katana's eyebrows shot up. Trying to play it off, she smirked and crossed her arms. "Yeah? Is that so?" The brunette triggered her so much that Katana forgot that she was about to break up with Bokuto

The girls behind her all hummed and nodded, looking at each other while the brunette at the front smirked. "You don't seem to be like a normal couple. I mean no one has ever seen you being affectionate towards each other."

Katana clenched her jaw at the girl's amusement, her eyebrow twitching in annoyance. "I don't see why people need to be disgustingly affectionate in public in order to get labelled as a couple."

"Yeah, you don't get it because you're not a couple." The brunette crossed her arm, eyes looking at Bokuto. "You don't need to pretend to be her boyfriend anymore. We know."

Bokuto knitted his eyebrows. The way this girl was talking to Katana irked him. He grabbed Katana's arm and pulled her towards him, and without another word he cupped her cheek and pressed his lips on her soft ones.

With wide eyes Katana tensed but soon relaxed. Her eyes fluttered close as she kissed him back, ignoring that her heart was about to beat out of her chest. She grabbed his biceps tightly, making sure that this wasn't a dream but rather that he was real and kissing her. Completely forgetting her surroundings, she didn't even notice the girls huffing and making angry gestures before stomping off.

Reality only settled in when they parted the passionate kiss for air. Bokuto blinked, looking at her slightly swollen lips. He gulped, needing some time to process what he just did. "I'm so-"

Katana took a step away from him and raised a hand to stop him from saying anything. "Let's just forget that happened," she quickly said before rushing past him with a fast heartbeat. Grabbing her hair, she entered the lady's restroom. She leant her back against the door and clenched her jaw. Her legs and arms were still shaky as she put her fingers on her lips, his taste still lingering on her tongue. "This is bad," she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. Shaking her head, she took a breath. "I can't let this happen," she mumbled and left college, locking herself in her room.

Bokuto still stood frozen in the middle of the empty hallway. He took a breath and ran a hand through his hair. "What the fuck did I just do?" He asked himself before punching the wall when he remembered the look on her face. "Shit, I fucked up bad." He leaned his forehead against the wall. The ace broke one of their rules and kissed her without her consent. I need to fix this before she leaves me.



Tooru's voice had her clear her throat immediately. She didn't want him to hear that she had been crying the whole time. He knocked on her door, worried about her after Bokuto said that she didn't feel well. When he tried to enter, the door didn't open. With knitted eyebrows, he knocked again. "Do you need anything? How are you feeling?"

She pulled the blanket up to her chin and buried her face in it. Katana wanted to pretend to sleep so that he would leave her alone while in real life she silently cried. Before she had met Bokuto, her goal was not to fall in love ever again. And when she agreed to help him, she didn't plan on falling in love with him let alone let him kiss her. "Damnit," she cursed and sat up. She wiped her eyes and hit her forehead when she realised she actually liked the kiss. "I hate this," she mumbled when her lower lip trembled. Falling back into bed, she pulled the blanket over her head, staring at nothing and emptying her mind. Taking a breath, she nodded to herself. I'm gonna end this for sure now.

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