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The pair got themselves some food before going to an old park. It was already late so no children or other people were there. It was a warm spring evening and the clear sky let the moon and stars light up the park.

They sat on a bench and enjoyed their food in a comfortable silence. Katana was glad that she didn't need to eat all of his pasta but she wouldn't admit that out loud.

"Thank you," she said and smiled at him. The evening, despite the disgusting meal, was nice and she slowly but surely enjoyed spending time with him.

Pink dusted his cheeks and he nodded. "That was the least I could do after almost poisoning you." He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck. "Actually I should thank you," he whispered.

Her eyebrows shot up and she eyed him. Katana couldn't think of anything he should thank her for. After all he was the one who introduced her to new people, made her life entertaning and she felt happy and at peace in his company.

"Well, I never directly thanked you for agreeing to all of this. I wanted to do something nice for you as a thank you but I kinda failed."

Her face softened and she smiled. "Don't mention it." She waved it off and shrugged briefly. "Without you my life would be boring and I get how annoying all these confessions are. We're friends now after all, and friends help out each other."

The word friends didn't sit right with either of them. Katana quickly looked at the sky in order to prevent him from seeing her face scrunch up slightly. He weakly smiled before looking at his lap.

"I think I can tell you now," she said and glanced at him as he raised his eyebrows. A chuckle escaped her lips. "I know you're curious about my ex and me being so edgy about gyms and volleyball." Katana decided that they were close enough for him to know about what had happened.

He laughed nervously and shot her a sheepish smile. Bokuto hadn't been really subtle about the topic. He had hinted at her being edgy a couple of times already but had never got an actual answer.

"Iwaizumi that dumbass," she started with a sad smile as she looked at the dark sky. "He and Tooru are my childhood best friends. I've known these two idiots since we were in pre-school. The three of us were insperable." Nostalgia washed over her and had her eyes tear up.

"Since we were little, they were obsessed with volleyball and logically dragged me into it as well. I was at their every pratctice and match, supporting them." Taking a breath, she looked into her lap and fiddled with her fingers.

Bokuto watched the girl carefully. He had never seen her that emotional before. But he was happy that she was opening up to him.

A dry chuckle left her lips. "And you know how the story goes. Falling in love with your best friend." She shrugged briefly and gulped. "Yeah, only that wasn't some happy story but real life." Katana paused and bit her lip. She had never talked about this to someone before. She hoped that maybe she could finally move on from him if she talked about it.

"We started dating in second year in High School. I was really happy and nothing could have been better in my eyes. He was so loving and gentle, he had never hurt me in any way." She looked at Bokuto and sadly smiled. "Then the day after we graduated, he broke up with me." She cleared her throat to prevent her voice from cracking and looked on the ground. "I wouldn't be so sensitive about it but the way he did it hurt me. I had visited my grandma to show her my diploma and when I got back, there was a sticky note on my front door."

Bokuto knitted his eyebrows, knowing how the story was gonna end. He clenched his jaw, not believing somone could do something so mean to her.

The black-haired girl sniffed and took a deep breath. "You know, I really thought we were friends and that he wouldn't do something like that. He could have at least told me personally. I would have wanted to hear his reason or an explanation. I think I deserved that at least, after all we had an epic year together." A tear escaped her eyes despite her trying to blink it away. She wiped it away angrily with her sleeve.

The two were consumed in silence and Bokuto didn't know what to say or how to comfort her. He gulped before wrapping his arms around her.

Katana tensed at the sudden contact before hugging him back. The two of them stayed in this position for a few heartbeats before she pulled away. With tears eyes she smiled at him and nudged his side. "Don't tell anyone I cried. I don't want to be on Kuroo's or Atsumu's bullying list."

Bokuto nodded and eyed her with concern in his eyes as she wiped the remaining tears away. "You don't have to come to practice. I don't want you to get sad because these memories come back only because of me."

She shook her head. Warmth spread through her body when she heard the genuine worried tone in his voice. "It's okay," she softly said, "I can't let the past affect me all the time." She shot him a teasing smile. "Besides, I have a new boyfriend I need to support now."

Bokuto's heart skipped a beat as he smiled. "Well, I'm glad my beautiful girlfriend is so spportive," he said and looked on his lap. He wished their relationship to be real. The grey-haired male got so used to her and he loved having her around even if they were just doing homework or just doing nothing in particular. Her presence always left him warm and bubbly inside. He wanted to impress her in any way and now that he knew some part of her past, he wanted to protect her at any cost.

Katana smiled and blushed, glad that it was dark outside. In the last few days it was so natural for her to be a couple with the ace. Every time she remembered that it was all fake, a heavy feeling was placed in her chest and stomach.

The two of them, deep in thoughts, sat in the park for a few more minutes. The air got colder and Bokuto noticed her zipping up her jacket. He stood up and smiled at her when she looked up at him. "It's already late and cold, let's get you home."

She nodded and surpressed the smile forming on her lips. Katana wanted to get rid of the weird feelings she got every time she was around him. She couldn't afford falling in love with him. It's all just an act, remember that.
A/N - Heyyy people! Thanks for reading my story and giving it a chance. I hope you like it so far, please tell me what you think. Don't forget to vote or comment.
Stay safe and healthy :)
Love you <3

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