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The next days were always the same, spending the whole day with Bokuto, occasionally holding hands, sitting next to each other and watching practice.

She slowly but surely got used to be in the gym to watch volleyball. At least she tried to, but it wasn't as bad as the first day.

She also got used to being a 'couple' with the grey haired boy. It wasn't as bad as she expected, for she thought that it would end up with her falling in love with him. However, that was not the case. Yet.

Of course Katana believed that it was because they were in real life and not in some story. (Yeah, she'll still love him though. Come on, we all do that's why we're here.)

It's been a week since they started to date 'officially' and Katana was currently watching practice again. She was just glad that it was Friday and that she could simply go home after practice and sleep.

But life had other plans. No, Bokuto had other plans.

"Hey, Kata-chan," he said as he sat down beside her on the bench after practice. She handed him his water bottle. "I'll take you to my favourite steak house today for a dinner date."

She stopped and pulled the bottle out of his reach again. "What?" She breathed out and knitted her eyebrows. She wasn't prepared for this.

"Hey, I'm thirsty," he exclaimed and leaned forward to take the bottle out of her hand. She tensed and froze when he came closer but relaxed when he took the water bottle and leaned back, gulping down some of it.

"Why do we have to go on a date?" she asked him and crossed her arms. "I already had plans with my bed."

"Because we're a couple," he said and she huffed not wanting to delay her precious sleeping time. He waited for her answer with big eyes and a small smile.

Katana gave in and sighed, " Fine, I can't believe I let you drag me into this mess," she shook her head and Bokuto smiled.

"Don't smile at me like that, I didn't even have time to mentally prepare myself," she said and he let out a chuckle.

"Don't worry, the meat there is good," he told her and she only sighed.

"Wait." She snapped her head in his direction and knitted her eyebrows when a thought came to her mind. "Why are we even going on a date? I thought we would only do this here in college."

Bokuto froze briefly. "Well, I thought couples do that and we wanted to make it believable." He shrugged and she clenched her teeth remembering the talk.

"Okay, you win this time Kabuto-san," she shook her head slightly. "But next time I won't sacrifice my sleep for you."

He nodded eagerly before helping the others clean up the gym.


Once at home, Katana sat in the kitchen, not knowing what to do since Bokuto would pick her up in about an hour.

Taking a nap wouldn't work since she would just sleep through her alarm. Eating something would be stupid because they were going to have dinner together.

Her phone rang, snapping her out of her thoughts. She smiled and immediately answered the video call.

"Ka-chan!" He exclaimed with a smile and Katana chuckled.

"To-chan!" She greeted back with the same excitement.

He knitted his eyebrows slightly when he closely eyed her and her surroundings. "Why don't you look like you took a nap?"

Katana pressed her lips together, looking at him unimpressed.

"No, I'm serious. It's Friday and you don't relax in your bed or on the couch," he said and got closer to the camera.

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