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Soon it was time for dinner and the couple made their way to Bokuto's and Akaashi's apartment with the incomplete cake.

When they neared the apartment, Katana took a breath to calm down. She felt bad for lying to them since they were actually nice people. But she had no doubt that she could quickly make up a story if they asked something. Thanks to her mother.

"Are you ready?" Bokuto asked and glanced at her when they stood in front of the door.

Katana nodded briefly and Bokuto rang the doorbell.

"Don't you have a key?" She asked and raised an eyebrow.

He chuckled awkwardly. "I forgot it."

Katana pressed her lips together to stop the laugh coming up her throat and looked away from him.

The door opened and Akkashi nodded briefly before letting them in.

They hadn't even got the chance to move out of the corridor when Atsumu came rushing towards them.

Katana tensed when he stopped way too close near her. He grabbed the cake container and eyed it from every side. "You really ate the cake meant for us!" He gasped and looked at Bokuto with wide eyes.

Katana let out a sigh and shook her head at this guy's behaviour. She didn't even want to question how he knew about the cake.

Akaashi rolled his eyes before taking the cake out of Atsumu's hands. "Thanks for the cake by the way," he turned to Katana who shot him a smile.

They got to the living room and Katana was surprised that the apartment was so clean and modern but still simple furnished. It gave her a comfortable and warm feeling, like a real home full of warmth and love.

Bokuto turned to Katana and saw her looking around with a small smile on her face. "Do you like it?"

She nodded and shot him a smirk. "I actually expected it to be a bit messier here."

Bokuto dramatically gasped and put a hand on his chest while Kuroo laughed and stopped beside his friend, putting an arm around his shoulders. "It would be if it wasn't for Akaashi."

"That's not surprising," she chuckled and shook her head slightly.

Bokuto shrugged Kuroo's arm off and quickly went to Katana's side, hugging her arm. "Hey whose side are you on even?"

He is way too dramatic.

Hinata entered the living room and her face lit up. "Hinata!" She got out of Bokuto's grasp and hugged the human tangerine. "Where have you been all week?" She asked as soon as they parted the hug. She had missed the tangerine all week, he hadn't been at lunch with them.

"I had to study for a test," he breathed out before clasping his hands over his face too harshly. "And I still failed!"

"Don't worry, I'll help you study next time if you want." She put a hand on his shoulder and his face lit up immediately.


She nodded and he hugged her tightly immediately.

"You should help your boyfriend study, he's failing as well," Kenma said without looking up from his Nintendo Switch.

She turned to Bokuto and raised an eyebrow, "You are?" He chuckled awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. Katana let out a sigh. "Oh my, of course you are," she mumbled and slightly shook her head.

"Dinner's ready!" Osamu called from the kitchen.

Katana found dinner beyond delicious and nice and Bokuto's friends were really growing to her; they were a chaotic mess but very genuine and and warm people.

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