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"Hey guys," Katana said as she met up with all of the guys but Hinata at a park, "Sorry I'm late." She peeked out behind the box she was carrying and shot them a smile.

Bokuto quickly took it out of her hands, earning a thanks from her. "What is that?" He eyed the box and showed it to Kuroo who did the same.

"I made a cake," she said and handed Akaashi a small package, "And this is his present." She wrapped up the shirt she had bought for him back in Miyagi. Since she was going to spend the day with Hinata as a distraction, she couldn't carry it around the whole time.

Akkashi nodded as Bokuto and Kuroo opened the box, peeking into it. The ace gasped and looked at his girlfriend with wide eyes. "This cake is huge. I want one as well."

Katana nodded as the others looked at the cake as well. She had stayed up late to finish it and put a lot of effort into it. She thought that this was the least she could do after lying to him and distracting him. Heaving a sigh, she gulped. The young woman still hadn't found an excuse to tell Hinata. I'll think of something better spontaneously anyway.

"So, now that you're here as well, we can start our plan," Kuroo turned away from the cake and smirked, rubbing his hands together. "We're gonna fool Hinata!" He exclaimed and let out an evil laugh.

Katana sweatdropped and let out a breath. "And you're calling me dramatic," she mumbled as Kenma sighed at his friend's antics. Bokuto, however, hyped Kuroo even more up by clapping for him and agreeing.

Osamu turned to Katana with an annoyed expression. "Can you please just call Hinata to go out with you?"

Poor guy, he's so done with them. Katana snickered and nodded before pulling out her phone and calling the short boy.

Bokuto was just about to exclaim something to hype Kuroo up even more when Akaashi put his hand over his mouth. "Shh, she's already calling him." Bokuto pouted and nodded.

Taking a breath, the only girl between them tapped her foot on the ground and put her phone on speaker. She looked up when Hinata picked up. "Katana-san!"

"Hey Shoyo," she said in a shaky voice and smiled awkwardly while Kuroo nodded at her encouragingly. Katana stopped for a moment not knowing what to say. Atsumu made some hand movements for her to go on and she turned away from him as he was only distracing her. Katana gulped and pulled out her acting and lying skills. I can't believe I'm about to say this.

"I- I had a fight with- with Bokuto," she breathed out, her voice cracking, "I think I'm gonna... break up with him." Her lower lip slightly trembled, shocking herself with her good acting.

The guys stared at her with wide eyes not knowing if they heard her correctly. "She's good," Kuroo breathed out while Bokuto's jaw dropped. The ace's expression turned into an offended one as Atsumu silently laughed his ass off.

"Oh my god!" Hinata shrieked loudly having her flinch. "Don't break up with him!" There was a brief pause before he cleared his throat. "Uhm... what I mean is that there's certainly a solution."

Shit, I need him to go out with me. "Shoyo I don't think there's a solution," she sighed and shook her head.

"Wait!" Hinata exclaimed. There was a thud and a quiet groan before he cursed quietly. Katana put her hand over her mouth to prevent a laugh escaping her lips when she realized that he fell down. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Katana sniffed and nodded. "Actually yeah, that would be great Shoyo."

"Let's meet at the cafe across from college," he exclaimed as there was some rustling in the background.

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