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Sunday went by quickly and the next day, Katana left her apartment to go to collge. After closing the door, she froze upon seeing Bokuto leaning on the wall.

"Good morning," he greeted her with a smile and pushed himself off the wall.

She snapped out of her frozen state and blinked a few times before raising her eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, we actually live near each other so we can walk to college together."

Katana let out a breath and nodded. "Then let's go Kabuto-san."

With a smile he nodded and together they made their way to college.

"So far no one wanted to see us kiss and if that ever happens," Katana said and gripped the straps of her backpack tighter. "Yeah, not gonna happen," she shook her head.

He nodded and clenched his teeth slightly. He was disappointed that she was so against kissing him.

"The first week was pretty calm considering how much gossip we created. I think there will be more people approching and questioning us." She turned to him.

"You're really prepared I see," Bokuto chuckled and put his hands in his pockets.

She nodded with a serious expression on her face. "I have to or else these assholes will overwhelm me and catch me off guard."

They walked through the college gates and she could immediately feel all the stares they received.

"Good morning Morita-san!" Hinata greeted them as soon as they set foot on campus.

His happiness made her relax and forget about the attention she got. "Hey my small tangerine," she smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Hey I'm a bit taller than you!" he exclaimed and she giggled.

"Well you're still cute," she said. There was only a few centimetres difference between the two. However, that was not true for the others because they were all tall ass giants. Espcially Bokuto with his 190 cm.

Hinata said something about practice and Katana decided it was the best to get going. She didn't want to be late to class. "Well, I'll see you at lunch." She waved at them before walking into the building.

"You're so lucky, Bokuto-san," Hinata suddenly said as they were looking after her until she disappeared in the building, "She's so nice and beauiful."

Bokuto smiled sheepishly and slighly blushed. He had never thought about this before, but since their two week anniversary and the date, he began to notice her as a person and not just as someone who isn't interested in him and as a help to keep all the annoying fans away. Why does she have to be so likable?

Later at lunch, Katana entered the cafeteria to grab a coffee and some sweets quickly. She didn't exactly plan on sitting with Bokuto and his friends again but after she made eye contact with Kuroo she couldn't simply leave.

So she walked up to them with a sigh. As soon as the others noticed her, she smiled and patted Bokuto's head one time before sitting down beside him.

His cheeks turned a light pink but it went unnoticed by the others.

"How can you drink that all the time?" Bokuto asked and eyed the bitter liquid in her hand.

"Hey, coffee's the only reason I can survive and function," she said with an offended tone in her voice. "That's humanity's best invention."

"You drink too much coffee. That's not exactly healthy for you," Sugawara spoke up with concern lacing his voice.

Warmth rose to her face since she wasn't used to other people being worried about her, beside Tooru and her brothers. "Thanks for your concern Suga, but I'm fine," she shot him a quick smile and shrugged her shoulders, hoping her blush went unnoticed.

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