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“You really don’t want me to do anything?” Bokuto pouted while sitting on a stool at the kitchen island. He was watching Katana prepare dinner alone.

She looked over her shoulder with a small smile. “I really like you but I don’t trust your cooking. And I’m almost finished so it’s okay.”

The ace blushed and nodded quickly while Katana turned back to her pan, oblivious to what just slipped out of her mouth. He took a breath to calm his quickly beating heart and concentrated on the kitchen counter.

“I was just thinking that maybe you’d wanna come to the literature exhibition here in Tokyo with me next weekend.” Katana shrugged briefly, “Only if you want to of course.”

Bokuto’s face lit up. “Yeah sure.”

Katana turned to him with a soft smile. “Great,” she said but her face turned serious. “But first we need to convince Tooru that you’re worthy of me.” She made quotation marks with her fingers and took three plates out of the cupboard.

Bokuto’s chest tightened and he looked at his hands, balling his fists. He didn’t want Tooru to decide whether he was good enough for Katana or not; he didn’t want Tooru to get involved in their relationship at all. The setter should stay out of the whole thing. Bokuto hated that Oikawa was so close to her. He took a deep breath and dismissed the thought. They’re childhood friends, of course they’re gonna love each other.

“You can help set the table,” she said and handed him the plates. He nodded and took the plates while Katana brought the food to the table. Once the table was set, Katana looked at her watch. “Tooru should be back any moment now,” she mumbled and eyed the table to see if anything was missing.

“This looks amazing. Thanks Kata-chan!” Bokuto’s genuine tone made her blush and she only nodded, not knowing how to reply. They both turned to each other at the same time, looking into each others’ eyes. Neither of them was able to look away let alone say anything, they didn’t even notice that the front door opened.

“I’m home!”

Katana quickly looked away from Bokuto with a light blush while Bokuto cleared his throat, both of them looking at Oikawa when he entered. The setter looked between the couple with narrowed eyes before the food caught his attention. “Woah, I’ve missed this,” he gasped. Tooru had always preferred Katana’s food over any other and being away for so long made him miss it even more. “Come on, I’m starving,” he said and sat at the table, the couple following his lead.

Katana gulped, afraid of the dinner’s outcome. She shrugged the fear off and completely filled her two boys’ plates to overflowing before giving herself some food as well. She picked at her food, “My mom was here today.”

Oikawa immediately looked up with puffed out cheeks, his wide eyes. He quickly gulped the food down. “What? Why?”

Katana shrugged. “Just to nag,” she said and put some food in her mouth.

“This bitch,” Oikawa mumbled with knitted eyebrows, while eying his plate. He knew that Masae was mean and cruel to Katana and he also knew how much it affected his best friend, even if she didn’t admit it. His soft eyes snapped over to the young woman. “Are you okay?”

She nodded with a smile, playing it off as nothing, but both males saw through it immediately. “I’m used to it by now,” she joked. Katana didn’t want her mother to have so much effect on her life.

Bokuto looked at her and put a hand on her thigh. The action made her look at him, his warm eyes relaxing her on the spot. She smiled at him, happy that he was there to reassure her that it was okay.

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