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Katana's eyes fluttered open and a yawn escaped her lips. She stretched while sitting up but stopped when she felt a weight in her lap. Looking down, she saw Bokuto's head lying there.

His eyes were closed and his lips slightly parted. His grey hair was messily falling on his forehead. The male looked so peaceful and beautiful, making Katana blush and her heart skip a beat. A soft smile grew on her face and she carefully brushed the hair out of his face. What are you doing to me Koutaro?

When her phone vibrated, she gasped. It was already 7 in the morning on a Monday. Shit, we have classes today.

Katana softly poked his cheeks to wake him up. After a few moments, he swatted her finger away without waking up. "Kabuto-kun," she said and poked his cheek again.

This time his eyes fluttered open and when he saw her face, pink dusted his cheeks. Never would he have thought that even for one time only, Katana would be the first thing he saw when waking up.

"Good morning sleepyhead."

Bokuto froze for a moment, realizing that this wasn't a dream. He quickly sat up and dramatically apologized a few times, making Katana giggle at his silliness.

Katana suggested preparing breakfast for him before getting ready. The ace, however, said she didn't need to do anything for him. Reluctantly, she nodded before quickly getting ready, not wanting him to wait for too long.

After she was done, they walked to his apartment. He had to get ready as well, and since Katana's lessons started a bit later, she joined and waited for him.

"You didn't need to wait for me," Bokuto said as the couple walked to college.

Katana only shrugged. She didn't really mind being around him or being late. Her first period was boring anyway.


A small smile grew on her lips, when Katana saw Bokuto waiting for her. He leaned against the wall with crossed arms, looking on the ground.

He pushed himself off the wall and his face lit up when he saw her. His professor had let them go earlier for lunch, so he decided to wait for Katana. "There you are," he said and grabbed her wrist. "I've been starving. Come one let's get something to eat." He dragged her to the cafeteria while she shook her head with a fond smile on her face.

Ignoring all the stares the couple earned, Bokuto walked over to his friends' table. "Hey hey hey!"

Hinata gasped and turned around in a flash. "Katana-san! I've missed you!" With a bright smile comparable to the sun, he engulfed Katana in a hug. The young woman blushed but hugged him back with a soft smile before patting his head.

I've really missed these guys.

Atsumu eyed the two with narrowed eyes to which Katana teasingly smirked. "I've missed you too, babe, don't worry," she cooed and pinched his cheek with a smile before sitting down beside Bokuto. The blond blushed and crossed his arms. He would never admit that he grew fond of the new addition to their friend group; and he certainly wasn't jealous that Hinata seemed to be her favourite.

Akaashi eyed the couple slowly before turning his focus on his best friend. "Did you stay over at Katana-san's?"

That question was enough to silence everyone at the table. All their eyes snapped over to the only couple there was. Suna sublty pulled out his phone and started to record. This is gonna be hilarious.

Katana only shrugged, oblivious to what they were all thinking. "Yeah, he slept over at mine." When the silence continued, she tensed. Pink covered her face when she realized how wrong that sounded.

"What's wrong with having a sleepover?" Bokuto asked and knitted his eyebrows.

Katana blushed even more and cleared her throat. She awkwardly chuckled, "He fell asleep while watching a movie. I didn't want to wake him."

Sugawara let out a breath and nodded. "See, nothing to freak out over, guys." He wanted to ease the tense and shocked air around them. The setter had a feeling that either Kuroo or Atsumu are gonna freak out if he didn't so anything against it.

Okay, just play it cool. A few more moments of shocked silence went by and Katana turned to her favourite victim with a smirk. The blond twin looked back at her with narrowed eyes. "Babe, did you possibly feel threatened just now?"

He didn't break eye contact making her smirk only wider. "No," he said and knitted his eyebrows, "I was just shocked." He didn't know how to react and that's what triggered him about her the most; whenever she said something he didn't know how to give a snarky remark.

She chuckled and fondly patted his head. "I'm only joking," she said as Atsumu huffed, puffing out his cheeks slightly.

Kuroo smirked as well, looking between the couple. He didn't really think that they did it. But he as well, liked Katana, especially when she would tease Atsumu like that. He saw how Tooru and her were best friends, they seemed to fit perfectly together. I bet they're a chaotic duo.

"You are so confusing sometimes," Bokuto mumbled, shaking his head at his friends.

Katana giggled and fondly smiled. He's so oblivious it's cute.


A/N - Hey people! This chapter is short, sorry (hehe). I hope you still like it.
Don't forget to vote and comment :)

Also, (to all the millionaire detective balance: Unlimited fans, and to everyone else out there) feel free to check out my new story. (It's about Kato Haru.)

Thanks and stay safe and healthy :)

Ps: As you might have noticed, I changed the cover. Tell me what you think about it. I try to keep the design of my covers the same. I'm still trying to find what looks the best but I think for now this is looks okay. So I would be grateful for some feedback. Thanks :)

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