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Bokuto walked to his class all by himself with a pout on his face, earning a few stares and glances. Most of the people got used to seeing him with his girlfriend, making them confused and some of them happy that the girl was nowhere to be seen.

Immediately rumours were created about a break up of the school's most famous couple.

However, Bokuto ignored all of that. He felt like something was missing and different from his normal college day.

This morning he had been at Katana's to pick her up and walk to college with her as usual. But when the girl had opened the door he immediately knew that she wouldn't be coming to college.

Her eyes and nose were red and her voice was hoarse. She had caught a cold and had told him that she would stay at home for a few days until she was feeling better again.

Even though he tried to persuade her to look after her, she declined and told him to go to college as he was failing a few classes anyway and missing them wouldn't do any good.

So now there he was, walking through college without his girlfriend. He had got so used to her that he felt different without her by his side.

By the time it rang for lunch, Bokuto was in a foul mood. 

"Why the sad face?" Kuroo asked with an amused tone as he watched his friend plop down opposite of him.

Bokuto sighed and put his forehead on the table. "Kata-chan caught a cold," he mumbled into the table.

"Oh no," Hinata said and dropped his chopsticks, looking at Bokuto with wide eyes, "We need to visit her or she'll feel lonely."

Bokuto straightened up and shook his head. "She sent me away this morning."

"Well at least we won't have to third wheel," Atsumu commented while stuffing his mouth with rice.

"We're barely third wheeling," Sugawara said and took Atsumu's bowl away. "And slow down, you're gonna choke."

"You're just jealous that you don't have a girlfriend," Kenma stated and shut Atsumu up who pouted and looked at his lap.

"She'll be back in a few days, it's just a cold," Akaashi reassured his friend who seemed to have zoned out with an empty expression.

"Who would have thought that Bo would be sad over something other than volleyball," Kuroo teased with a smirk and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms.

Since this morning, Bokuto noticed a lot of couples around college and it made him even more sad. Even on his social media for you page there were always couples.

Thinking about taking the real feeling of having a boyfriend away from her, he decided to do a better job and making it as real as possible. Besides, he somehow missed having Katana around; her teasing, calling him Kabuto-san on purpose, her holding his hand occasionally.

Bokuto snapped out of his thoughts and stood up. His friends stopped whatever they were doing and eyed him. Without saying anything, he left the cafeteria.

"Seriously, what's wrong with this guy?" Kuroo asked and shook his head slightly.

Atsumu shrugged and used the distraction to snatch the bowl away from Sugawara. With a shrug he put some food in his mouth. "The girl does him no good."

Everyone turned to the blond and Sugawara put his lips in a thin line. "Don't speak with a full mouth."


The next day, Bokuto didn't join his friends at lunch or in free periods. He spent his time wisely in the library, researching how to be a good boyfriend and came to the conclusion that he should do something nice for her as he didn't even properly thank her for helping him out in the first place.

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