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On Monday, when Katana neared college, she saw Bokuto standing in front of the gates with his hands in his pockets, looking on the ground while tapping his foot in the ground.

"Kabuto-san," she greeted with a small nod when she stopped in front of him. His head snapped up immediately and his face brightened.

He briefly looked around before giving her a smile. "Babe, good morning," he said and took her hand. Katana tensed at the name and sudden contact but tried to look unbothered by it while the people passing them were eying them carefully and with envy.

They walked into college hand in hand. "I waited for you," Bokuto then proudly said and Katana raised an eyebrow. He was happy that she wasn't affected even the tiniest bit by holding his hand.

"Why would you do that?" She asked ignoring the stares they got.

"Well, I need to walk you to class and always wait for you. So we can't be separated other than in class," he said and she knitted her eyebrows.

"You don't need to do that, you know that right?" She said not knowing where this idea came from.

"Well, I wouldn't be a good boyfriend otherwise," Bokuto said as they stopped in front of her classroom.

"And who the fuck said that?" She asked in an annoyed tone and turned to him, her hand still in his as she raised an eyebrow.

"Atsumu might have-"

"Why would you believe him and his cocky ass?" She asked and pulled out her hand to push his forehead slightly with her index finger, "I don't know him and only met him like two times but he really doesn't seem to be a guy who gives good dating advice."

Bokuto sheepishly smiled and scratched the back of his neck while Katana shook her head.

"Seriously, I don't think you should ask him for dating tips, besides, ours is fake, remember. Nothing can go wrong," she said and Bokuto nodded. "And just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you have to spend 24/7 with your partner."

Bokuto might have ignored that statement as he waited in front of her every class to walk her to the next. When it was time for lunch, Katana let out a small grumble when Bokuto was waiting for her again.

"You don't need to wait for me every lesson, it's annoying" she said and ignored his hand as she began walking to the cafeteria.

He pouted and walked after her. She sighed and rolled her eyes, "Chill your pants. It's okay," she said and he smiled slightly.

Seriously is he a child or something?

She rolled her eyes as they entered the cafeteria, walking to his table right away.

"Hey hey hey!" He greeted his friends with a huge smile before sitting down. Heaving a sigh at his behaviour, she sat down beside him and Akaashi.

She didn't want to invade any of his personal life, yet there she was, sitting with him and his friends for every lunch break.

"Tell me your secret," Kuroo whispered and leaned forward, looking at the girl. She also leaned forward with knitted eyebrows.

"What secret?" She whispered back and slightly shook her head.

"How you got Bo-san out of bed so early on Saturday," Atsumu whispered and leaned forward as well.

"What are you guys doing?" Sugawara asked with a raised eyebrow as he sat at the table, putting his stuff on it. Katana looked up and leaned back.

"Tell us!" Kuroo exclaimed and leaned back as well, crossing his arms.

Katana glanced at her 'boyfriend' before looking at Kuroo. She put a teasing smile on her face. "What can I say?" She shrugged her shoulders with a smug smile, "I'm simply amazing."

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