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Finally. Katana let out a sigh when her professor let them go. She couldn't wait to get home and do nothing; Mondays were always so draining. Pressing her lips together, she groaned mentally. Going home and doing nothing hadn't worked since she met Bokuto and it wasn't going to work now as well.


I knew it. She turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you were coming to practice again," he said and her heart dropped. She had completely forgotten about practice.

"Yeah, of course I was coming," she quickly said and nodded before following him to the gym. She cursed herself for forgetting something that had been part of her routine for a few weeks now. Taking a breath, she entered the gym after Bokuto. Guess I'll never completely like gyms.

While the guys warmed up, Katana took a seat at one of the benches. The warm ups weren't that interesting anyway, so she pulled out her phone and started to scroll through Pinterest. She didn't even understand why Bokuto wanted her to watch every practice he had; most of the time, just like today, it was boring exercises like spiking drills.

Not paying attention to practice and ignoring the loud noise of balls hitting the ground, she spent her time wisely, looking at memes.

"Katana-san!" "Kata-chan!"

She had been so immersed in her phone that the sudden call of her name made her jump. Snapping her head up, she tensed as the only thing she saw was a volleyball flying towards her at full speed. Quickly, she brought her arms up to cover her face just before the ball hit her arms with immense force.

She let out a grunt when the ball knocked her off the bench backwards. She dropped her phone in the process and laid on the floor, slowly pulling her arms away from her face with a quiet groan. "Jesus, my back just died," she mumbled to herself before she heard footsteps running up to her.

Bokuto's heart dropped when his spike hit his girlfriend directly, making her fall down. He, Kuroo, Hinata and Sugawara quickly ran up to her. As soon as they reached her, they watched her laying on the floor while grimacing. The others joined as well, concerned about the girl.

Katana forced a half smile on her face when they all looked at her. "I thought you loved me. Why are you trying to kill me now?" She joked, looking at Bokuto and slowly sat up.

His heart threatened to stop and with shaky hands he helped her stand up. "I'm so sorry-"

"No worries," she interrupted him before he could completely guilt trip himself. She sent him a reassuring smile, "That can happen, I survived."

Bokuto took a deep breath but before he could apologize again she took his hand. "Really it's okay. Though you might have killed my last two brain cells," she joked with a grin.

Kuroo snorted and put his arm around her shoulder, "She's fine Bo." Katana playfully rolled her eyes at the black-haired male and nudged his side.

The concern didn't leave Bokuto's eyes as he scanned her for any injuries. Her face softened and she gave his hand a squeeze. "I'm fine, really."

Hinata let out a breath and picked up her phone from the floor. He was glad that she was okay and handed her her phone, earning a thanks and a soft head pat from her.

Bokuto looked into her eyes. "Don't sit there anymore." He let go of her hand. "Sit somewhere farther away from the court," he said and took the bench, carrying it to the very end of the gym.

She chuckled and shook her head. Kuroo smirked and glanced at the girl. "He sure does like you," he teased, making Katana blush.

"Shut up," she mumbled and nudged his side. He laughed and ruffled her hair before she sat on the bench again, this time far away from their hard spikes.

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