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Shinsou is the result of quirk experimentation by the government, on less than humane levels. Shinsou has powers that can not be defined exactly by the word "quirk" and more so "Magic". Shinsou is made to be a thing that can capture and keep villains and other powerful people at bay by abiding by any desires of such person. Mostly sexual desires. Shinsou can shift their body to be female or male, and different details as well. they have 7 tentacles that are smooth and often have a sort of lubricant on them which also works as an aphrodisiac. One day, shinsou wakes up unexpectedly and the whole secret facility goes into panic as it isnt done with testing yet. Shinsou manages to break out of the aquarium type thing they were stuck in, stole someone's clothes, and escaped. Seducing people sometimes on the way in order to get through secured doors. No bullets could hit shinsou and they escape the facility all together.

Months later, Shinsou learned much about human society. How people need money to pay for things, and how people have jobs. Shinsou also learned how to make their tentacles not be seen or felt by anyone they met. They would often go to a bar, go to someone's house, give them the best fucking of their life, and take their money after. One day, shinsou is looking for people in a park. They know not to go to older people, or people too young. Shinsou finds y/c sitting on a bench and watches them a moment. Shinsou walks to y/c and Shinsou has a small blush on their face. Shinsou changed thier body to be that of a female with a rather large chest and nice thighs. They are wearing a tanktop and shorts right now. "U-um... hello." they say. "Y-you look really nice and... and I was wondering if you would like to go on a walk with me down a trail close by?" Shinsou asks. Y/c agrees, afterall, Shinsou looks harmless enough.  Shinsou actually softened y/c's mind with a sort of magic making them more agreeable by talking to them. Shinsou and y/c goes down a trail a bit and Shinsou pins y/c to a tree, kissing y/c. Shinsou's saliva has an aphrodisiac in it as well.


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