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Fantasy AU

Family on the verge of poverty

y/c is 15 and Shoto is 7, two years after he got his scar. Rei is not around. Touya does not exist. fuyumi does not exist. Natsuo does not exist either.

Shoto is y/c's younger sibling, and Enji's son. Shoto is abused the most, yet the "faveorited" son for his affinity for ice and fire magics. But because of the abuse, he has been developing signs of memory loss and lack of comprehension. Y/c started studying magic much more in private, determined to protect Shoto in case Enji goes too far. Y/c does not have an affinity for magic except for mild healing spells and earth magics y/c learns. Afterall, Enji never bothered to learn. One day, when Shoto is 8 and y/c is 16, Enji just straight up starts beating the living shit out of Shoto. Shoto screams for him to stop. Shoto couldnt freeze an entire forest like Enji wanted him to, he missed a couple trees and he almost got the wind knocked out of himself from attempting the spell as well as the lack of hydration being an issue. Shoto's lips are cracked from the amount of water he took from himself to attempt the spell and he tries to cover himself with his arms. "Y/c! y/c help me!" he screams. Y/c can barely hear him.


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