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kinda disturbs me that people think of frankenstein's monster as a horrid creature when it was created with the most perfect of body parts and was carefully crafted to look like the most perfect, attractive human ever witnessed. Not... a thing that looks like it came out of a shit pile lmao.


Dabi is a being created of many parts, though he looks completely human except for a few visible staples around his body. He came alive a while ago by the LoV as an experiment, and he works for them. Because of what he is made of, he often craves murder and at times, he wants to eat his victims. Dabi can think on his own, and live somewhat like a human. Well, except for the fact that he's kept in a cage all the time and is fed once a day. One day, y/c is dragged in the same room as he's kept in. It's a plain room with a somewhat large cage in the center with Dabi sitting against a side of the cage facing the door. He is properly clothed and everything, just caged and not really moving. The door is locked behind y/c and y/c is trapped in the room with the caged Dabi. Dabi doesnt look up at them at all, deciding to scare them a bit.


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