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Shoto is the head of a yakuza family. He is always kind with a stern face, and his family is prosperous. That is... until his second in command went wild and staged an attack on Shoto. Y/c is one of the people that the second in command got to defy Shoto. Y/c is powerful, and nobody helping the current family has really seen Shoto in action before so everyone the second in command is getting to attack Shoto thinks that Shoto is a weakling disguised as strong.

When the attack happens, Shoto is completely alone in a building supposedly. Then, everybody jumps out and attacks Shoto after creating a cloud of dust. However, y/c doesn't jump out at the same time and instead has a thought of hesitation. luckily for y/c, that caused Shoto not to kill y/c. When the dust settles after a very quick battle, everyone including the second in command is dead. Shoto just grins a tiny bit at his corpse. "Damn... I never would have taken you for a fool." he says. He killed everyone there, even armed people, within a minute. He himself is unarmed. He notices y/c and goes to y/c. He growls a bit with a grin on his face and grabs y/c's shirt. He pulls y/c up off the ground and holds y/c up to his height. "So. y/c..." he says in a very scary tone. "tell me what you will give to me and my family if I let you live? Now that I know you are a traitor... you have nothing going for you except your body. there is no use fighting back and you know it." he says. There are reasons why people call him a demon.


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