119(Shinsou and Shoto)

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*cough cough* Shinsou and y/c are two dog peoples that Shoto owns as pets with dog ears and dog tails, like as actual animal people. Shoto is twice y/c's height and is proportional. Y/c and Shinsou are both horny as hell(which is where I'm going) aaaaand last minute I decided that this is omegaverse based as well. y/c omega, Shinsou is an alpha, and Shoto is an alpha.


Shoto is a generous owner compared to many, he allows y/c and Shinsou to be clothes sometimes and gives them two meals a day and plenty of water and 'exercise'. Both Shinsou and y/c love shoto to no end. One day, y/c is kneeling next to shoto's lap with with y/c's hands on his lap, resting y/c's head on his lap. Shinsou notices a bit of a scent and sniffs y/c's neck, then licks it gently a little. Shinsou gets behind y/c and wraps his arms around y/c's torso, pressing against y/c firmly, his groin against y/c's behind as well. "Master, y/c started heat." Shinsou says. Even though Shinsou is an alpha, he does not mind calling Shoto Master.

"Hm? they have? Good job noticing it~" Shoto says softly. "Maybe that's why they've been so clingy today." Shoto says, making sure it's clear that being clingy is not bad.


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