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001. were all mad here

"So, did he call?" Annabelle heard Barbra Holland asked after the girl quickly stepped past Annabelle to Nancy. The blonde quickly walked past the students, making her way to her locker and grabbing what book she needed.

"Hey, princess." A voice startled the girl, making her look up to see Steve Harrington, the schools popular boy.

"Hi." She said softly, shutting her locker door. Annabelle quickly brushed past Steve, keeping her head down and walking towards her next lesson that was a bit further away.

"Hold on. I came to talk to you." He rushed to stand in front of her, blocking her from walking away.

"Aren't you supposed to be trying to win over Wheeler?" She asked, looking to where the girl was, holding a piece of paper. "Shit." He quickly muttered, rushing away.


"Annie!" Another voice caught her attention and she turned back, seeing her best friend, Liam, jogging up to her. "Hi."

"Hey." She said back, continuing her walk to class, the two in step.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tonight?" He pulled the rucksack higher up his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I can't." She sent him a small smile.

Liam had been best friends with Annabelle since they were fourteen. Of course, Liam developed a small crush on the blonde but never made a move.

It was also the fact the Annabelle was friends with Steve Harrington since she was eight, a year after moving to Hawkins. Liam was jealous of the boy as well as how much the two bonded, leaving him to think Annabelle liked Steve.

That wasn't the case. Steve had a crush on her. Annabelle Lewis is just a light that everyone's attracted to. She has always been funny and kind. Shy at times, but always a sweetheart to all.

Things had been tough for her though. When she was six, her twin brother, Edwin, died. It was an unfortunate accident, well, what she thought was.

"I have to study." She added, glancing at her watch to see the time. "I have Kaminsky's test tomorrow and I need to pass."

"I can come help?" He asked shyly, rubbing the back of his neck, stopping beside her by the class door. "Sure," Annabelle smiled and reached on tip toes to press a kiss on his cheek. "Bye, Liam."

"bye, Annabelle."

With that the bell rang and Liam hurried of to his class, while Annabeth quickly made her way to her seat, sitting down and grabbing her book open, also opening the small fictional book as well to pass the time, that hid behind her study book.

"We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." Annabelle looked behind to see Steve leaning over to read whatever she was reading, quoting the line he first saw.

"Shut up, Steve." She gave him a look from over her shoulder, looking back to see the teacher beginning the lesson. "Okay, Alice." He smirked, sliding back to his seat.

She continued to read her book, glancing up to the teacher every now and again. After a while, the teachers voice was cut off.

"Can Annabelle Lewis please come to the principle office." A voice talked through the speakers. All eyes landed on her as she stood up, making sure to grab her belongings. "Annie's in trouble." Steve sang-song quietly as she walked past him.

She rolled her eyes at him, shaking her head slightly. Once the classroom door shut behind her, she let a breath she didn't know she was holding, and began to walk to the principle's office.

"Miss, Lewis." He said, gaining her attention and nodded towards his office, opening the door.

"What is this about?" She asked, not sure on why she was called. She did nothing wrong. Turning, she saw Jim Hopper, the chief of the Hawkins police. "Is everything okay?"

Annabelle bit her lip, trying to stop overthinking this situation. She wasn't a fan of the police for different reasons. one being that it would remind her of when they told her and her mom that her twin had died that night in December.

"We just have some questions." Hopper spoke, breaking her out of thought. Annabelle took a seat, her hands resting on her lap, fiddling with the sleeves of her t-shirt. "You live by the Byers, correct?"

She nodded back.

"Did you see anything unusual yesterday?" She shook her head, quickly thinking to look for the older boy after this. Jonathan and Annabelle befriended each other when they were twelve. When she befriended Liam it was at the start of high school and Steve and Annabelle had drifted away from each other slightly, but still on good terms.

"...No." Annabelle spoke softly. "I was home all night till this morning when I left for school."

"Your mom?" He asked. Hopper was no stranger to Mary Lewis, knowing each other in high school. "She was at the late shift at work. It was just me at home."

"Where you with anyone before?"

"Yeah... Liam Rogers, he walked me home."

"Did you go past Mirkwood?" He looked at the young girl, seeing how the tiny bit of fear and sadness resting on her face. "No. Its by the woods so I stayed clear." She finally looked up to meet his eyes.

"Okay. That's all for now. You can go back to class, but if you hear anything you let us know, alright," She nodded back to him and left in a hurry, rushing to the woman's bathroom instead to hide out from the rest of the class.

Annabelle had a thing where she would hide in the bathroom at school for a lesson. She would usually read a book or smoke a cigarette every once in a while to calm her down if too many thoughts were flooding her brain.

Sometimes it was just so the girl could think and be in peace without annoying teenagers around her. The blonde would sit crossed leg on the closed toilet seat and fidget with the pink scrunchie around her wrist or play with two small heart shaped pendent necklace, a habit she did a lot.

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