Chapter 12: Comfort, Discomfort

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"WHAT?" both yelled at the same time, just to realize they were still int he ER!

The emotions were obvious as smiles adorned their faces. Hondo grabbed Nichelle into a big bear hug, as she laughed and cried. Happy tears! Tears of joy of finally getting their prayers answered!

Meanwhile, finally the 40 something pound gear  was off of Street's shoulders. He couldn't wait to take a long hot bath at home, but...he had to wait! Deacon had relaid the order to complete all paperwork before the end of shift. Everyone was ordered to complete the usual, plus a recount of every single move done. Everyone in 20 Squad was surprised the orders called for a recount of every single detail that occurred, with threat of suspension and expulsion, if perjury was proven!

"Why so much paperwork?" Street asked annoyed, as he joined Tan, Luca and Deacon in the cubicles at the far end of the floor.

"Hicks said chief's orders were down to the last detail...and if they proved we left something out on purpose or by accident, we risked suspension without pay or even expulsion!" Luca responded

"Yeah, but why?" Street asked still confused. In all the years he's been SWAT he's never seen so strict orders and so many papers after one single mission!

Luca and Tan took a break and leaned back in their chairs, staring at Deacon with frowns in  their faces. The acting leader took a deep breath, bowed his head and then turned to Street.

"I'm sorry to say this Street, but...I heard there was a commotion downtown. Chief was called and there was a mess: going after each other, some officers stood and left the meeting room, others were thrown out by the board...just horrible!"

"You mean...Chris?"

"I don't know. I asked, but...Hicks wouldn't say. He just told me chief gave them a couple of hours to cool off."

"What's the big deal? The perps were detained and order was restored." Tan said shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, but remember the mission of that task force is to limit the damage. Stevens and two others had to be taken to the hospital, plus two of the kids and one of the hostages!" Deacon said

"Yeah, in the eyes of that office, the op was a failure." Luca added

"They have really really high standards." Street said skeptically

"Keep in mind: it's not just LA watching. It's California and Washington! The whole thing is a pilot program developed by a congresswoman!" Deacon said

"They have to be perfect!" Luca added

"Damn!" Street lamented, thinking and wondering how it could've affected Chris.



Luca dug into his pants to retrieve his phone. "It's Hondo. He says he has news, but wont be making it here til tomorrow. Says they're out of the hospital."

The others frowned and smiled.

"News?" Tan asked curiously

"That's what it says" Luca responded

"A woman with abdominal pain and a man saying he has news?" Deacon asked slowly

"They're pregnant!" all four said at the same time

After a long day of SWAT, the hospital ordeal, a romantic dinner cooked by the self proclaimed best male cook in the Harrelson family and a very very short stint at the gym -which was only done to comply with therapy, not because there was any legitimate intention to go!- Hondo was officially: exhausted!

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