Chapter 8: All together

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"Hanson, move in!" Chris called

The MST crew had gathered in formation to the left side of the car, as SWAT provided confirmation about the suspect sitting in the front left side of the car.

"Deacon, be ready in position for possible confrontation."

"Roger that."

"Ready?" Chris called to Hicks and Hondo, both of whom nodded their heads. "Move in!" she called.

In the screen they saw as the crew made their way to the front of the car, sneaking in behind the suspect. They stopped and only one approached the subject.

"Sergeant? Suspect is hurt, pulse is very very slow." Morales, the crew's youngest member, called as he went to check on the suspect

"Inside? Give me info on the status of those victims." Chris called, "SWAT, hold position."

In that moment, Hondo clicked on the controller and the full audio was heard from the field. Even with the background noise, they could clearly hear the voices of the SWAT officers.

"Deacon, I have eyes on the kids hiding behind the barricade. Shooting ceased. Shouldn't we move in?" asked Street, who clearly sounded desperate

"No, it's too risky. If we don't move as one, they'll have the advantage. Wait for the call!"

"One of them is bleeding and one has a cast! Why are we waiting?" Street complained

"Street! Hold your position!" Deacon said

"We'll get em, Jim. We'll get him!" Tan said

"Bro, we'll get them out... but it's gotta be safe!" Luca said

Just trust me, Street. She thought as she too felt the same desperation as he did. In the visuals she could see the movement of the officers as they tried to convince him of staying put.

"Going for a close up." the voice of Morales snapped her back

"Roger that." she turned to Hondo again, "We can't make any moves until I get clarification on the people inside that car. Hold your positions. Move in on my signal only!"

"Yes, sergeant!" Hondo said nodding. "30 David, we're going in for visuals on the victims in the vehicle. Hold your position."

All three stared at the screen with the aerial coverage, following every move. The shoot out had ceased momentarily as the members recharged their weapons.

"Sergeant?" Serrano, another one of her crew, called

"Come in!"

"Four white males, teenagers, probably 16 to 18 years of age. They present cuts and bruises, all breathing. Seem as symptoms of vehicle collision."

Hondo nodded to Chris, as she returned to the talkie. "Hanson, any suspects in  the vicinity?"


She turned to Hondo, "Move in, have two on guard and two assist the crew." she quickly went back to her talkie, "Hanson, SWAT is coming in to help retrieve the victims. Have White and Lee check each boy for any possible neck injuries, and have two officers on guard. Do not approach from the right side of the vehicle."

"Roger that."

"White, Lee, check for neck injuries. Work with SWAT. Morales, Alvarado, retrieve our suspect, Raje, you're with me on guard." was heard from the leader

Hondo relaid the instructions and SWAT immediately went into motion.

"Tan, Street, go in and assist the officers to retrieve the victims. They'll check for neck injuries. Luca, you're with me. You take the front, I'll take the back, we're on guard." Deacon ordered

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