Chapter 10: The pain

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"Baby? Baby? I'm here!" Hondo said as he rushed in.

Nichelle was lying on the bed in fetal position, still sobbing in pain. The tubes of the recently installed IV coming out of her arm and the bags hung from the posts.

"Hey, Hondo! I'm so worried about her!" Deja, one of the ladies from the center, greeted

"Hey, Deja. How is she?" he asked desperately, as he saw that Nichelle laid motionless, sobbing quietly. Deja stood up from her chair and placed a hand on Nichelle's curled up arm

"I can't...move..." she struggled to say, as she cried quietly

"Oh my God!" Hondo lamented

"Calm down girl." Deja said as she brushed the top of her head with a damp cloth. She turned to Hondo, "I don't know what happened. We were watching the news, as you and SWAT were rescuing those kids and the robbery in Cooper Heights when all of a sudden she started screaming in pain!"

"Did she eat anything or do somethin' to require a lot of energy? Maybe lift a heavy box or something?"he said moving to her bedside and grabbing her hand.

"Not that I know of. I asked her if she had her appendix taken out, but she said no. So, I'm thinking that could be it."

"Makes sense." he paused to give her a soft kiss in the forehead. "Baby, it's gonna be ok." he turned to Deja again, "What did the doctor say?"

"He wouldn't say until they ran tests. But he did examine her abdomen and stuff. Then, he moved quickly with the tests. So, I don't know."



She dug into her purse, took a look at the screen and then asked to excuse herself. Hondo nodded and thanked her, and she left the room. 

"Baby, it's gonna be alright. Just breath, ok?" he said as he grabbed the cloth and imitated Deja.

"Honey?" she said, lifting her head.

"Yeah, baby? I'm here. You gonna be alright."

She looked around and straightened her legs, still trying to regain consciousness. She moved gingerly as Hondo guided her with his free arm.

"I don't know what happened...really!" she said slowly, "One moment I was fine, the next I was throwing up and then this pain in my abdomen, baby. Just-"

"Ma'am, how are we feeling?" a young man came in. The young nurse came in straight towards the monitors, nodding to Hondo. "Sir?"

"Hello...she ok?" Hondo asked greeting him as the man checked that everything was running smoothly

"Well, she came in very weak, we had to put her on IVs. Her blood pressure was sorta high too and she came complaining of abdominal pain."

"Y'all did tests? When do we get the results?" Hondo said as he rested against her bed

"Well, we are kinda rushed , so it might take a while. For now, the doctor wants her to rest. She has to finish the IVs. He will come in and discuss the test results with you as soon as we get them." the young man said, jotting down notes on the clipboard at the side of the bed

 "Ok" Hondo said nodding, still worrying about her

"We did X Rays, scans and other tests, as precautionary. She also told us she'd been involved in a car accident recently?"

"Some time ago, yes. Do you think she might have aggravated the injuries?"

"Maybe, but doesn't look like it. The pain's more to her belly."

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