Chapter 31: Ring

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As Street met with his attorney in a nearby cafe, Hondo was trying to solve a dilemma of his own. House was packed, coffee maker was still warm, stove and sink a mess, sure smelled like family!

"Hey! Hey!" he called to order

His mother, Nichelle's mother, Winnie, Kayla, Brianna and Nichelle had gathered in the back porch over lemonade and cookies to discuss the upcoming celebration. However, the disagreements between several of the parties was getting heated as old rivalries came to play, especially with Winnie and Charice teaming up against Briana while Nichelle's family stood their ground as well.

"Ladies, can we compromise on something?" Hondo said standing at the side of the table.

Wrong question. All the ladies started talking at the same time, beginning yet another feisty rebuttal round. Hondo tried to follow each one, as he turned his head to face them, but it was impossible to comprehend. At one point, his father whistled from behind the back door.

"Son, what are you doing?" his father asked with a coffee mug in one hand and the newspaper on the other.

"I'm trying to bring peace, pops! Them ladies are going at each other's throats mercy!"

"You must be out of your damn mind! You don't get into the lioness den, man! Let em sort it out. The shower ain't for you anyway, fool!" the old man said as he sat down in the living room couch.



"You're right, pops!" he said as he dug into his pocket and retrieved his phone

"Uh huh! That's right!" he heard his father say as he looked puzzled at the screen, not recognizing the number.

"Hello?" he answered

"Good morning. May I speak with Sergeant Daniel Harrelson. Jr please?" answered a woman with a very proper tone. Hondo frowned, as his father continued to enjoy the paper, oblivious to his son's demeanor.

"Yes, ma'am. This is he." He answered sternly. In that Mr. Harrelson looked up and gestured with his hand asking him who it was, but Hondo just shrugged.

"Sergeant, my name is Agent Lyons, from LASD. I'm calling on behalf of the board of evaluation from the Chief's office and  mayors' appointees. We need to ask you some questions. Are you a sergeant in LAPD?"

"Yes, ma'am. LAPD SWAT, Metro Division"

"Which is your direct role in SWAT?"

"I am the leader of 20 David Squad, ma'am." he said as he leaned backwards on the kitchen counter, crossing his right arm across his chest.

"Do you recognize the name: Christina Alonso?"

"Yes, I do." Hondo closed his eyes momentarily, taking a deep breath. Oh no! What happened now?

"Well, sergeant, we will ask you to attend a meeting at our office today, in an hour. We will be asking you several questions about her, James Street, Ezequiel J. Baez and anything concerning her performance. Your thoughts could be taken into serious considerations in the process of rank advancement of Sergeant Christina Alonso."



"Daddy! Your phone's ringing!" called Victoria, as she grabbed it from the pocket of Deacon's folded jeans

"What, honey?" he yelled, still battling Lila in a heavy ping pong battle

The arcade was buzzing with tons of energy, as the Kay family was just a small fraction of the immense crowd that packed the place. Pinballs, basketball, bowling, race cars and many others were featured in the two story building just 5 miles from the coast. They also offered a number of aquatic activities, birthday combos, packages for the whole family and many other options for a full day of fun indoors or outdoors. It was a very popular spot, especially frequented by the Kays themselves.

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