Chapter 5: First Call

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Meanwhile, Police Plaza...

"Major General Tiberius, Sergeant Alonso and Lieutenant General Sims" called the deputy who had rushed in the door, interrupting the seminar. All three characters turned to him and stood when their names were mentioned. "Main Room, NOW!" he urged as he gestured for them to leave.

All three gathered their belongings from the table and the bag from their chairs and headed out the door, quickly and quietly. They were taken to the third floor, to the main conference room right next to the chief's office. All three officers seemed determined, as they had been warned that tryouts for the Captain of Major Operations (CMO) with real life operatives would be underway any time soon.

"Lady and gentlemen, welcome!" greeted Assistant Director of Chief Vargas, First Rank Commander Daniel Johnson, as more officers filled up the seats.

When the door closed, Chris found herself surrounded by a crew of 14 men, all dressed in full uniforms, sitting across three long rectangular tables, situated in one side of the room. In the front of the room there was a massive wooden desk with a computerized system. Next to it a podium with a thin microphone standing upright and a control board. Behind the desk and podium, the wall was covered by a large screen and a large whiteboard, with an eraser and just a few markers on the rail. Three big glass windows allowed for the sun rays to sneak in through the closed curtains, as the faces of the men reflected excitement and worry.

"We have a situation taking place in the southern part of central LA. Two gunmen have taken over an entire section of an estate and have created a massive shoot out with gang members in the adjoining neighborhood. If this escalates, the number of casualties could rise exponentially." he reported as some quickly jotted down details on small notepads, especially the three competitors. "LAPD, SWAT and other agencies have been called to the scene"

SWAT?!? she thought exited, as a slight grin spread through her face. Yes!

"Chief has requested to begin auditions for the position of Captain of Major Operations of the Mass Shooting and Trauma Task Force as soon as possible... and I believe this would be a perfect chance to put our candidates to the test! We will divide the crews into First and Second Response, each with a particular goal and focus established by the commanding captain. One of the candidates will get a chance to try for the CMO now, while the other two aid in the op. People!" Johnson called

"Yes, sir!" responded the eager crowd

"What is our motto?"

"Serve, protect, limit damages and restore control!" chanted everyone in a perfect chorus

"For this operative, we will have Major General Tiberius as acting CMO, with Lieutenant General Sims leads the crews. Sergeant?" he called as the rest of the room stared, "You will lead the air team operations and control from our surveillance room."

What? Are you serious? Everybody gets to go and I get stuck in a room? This is bull! It's like going back to police academy with gender sh*t again! she thought frustrated as she slowly shook her head and clinched her jaw

"Details will be provided along the way. Mobile Command Center is waiting. Let's go!" he called as everyone got up with excitement. Every officer in the room was eager to participate in the first ever real life op...except Sergeant Alonso, of course. She watched as all gentlemen flew out of the room and a Marshall came to her to escort her to the surveillance room.

She walked alongside the officer steaming from the humiliation she was just being submitted. It was bad enough she was the only female in the entire roster, now she was being sidelined in their first true test! With all the anger she felt, all she needed was a Sci Fi writer to turn her into an abomination right then and there!

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