Chapter 32: Don't lie

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Sales were racking up, faster than usual. Rubio definitely brought in lots of customers, especially because a vast majority of the crowd that Sunday was of Latin descent. As Luca's food truck thrived,  Street waited patiently for Alex in a cafe about 30 minutes away. He knew the lawyer was running late, because he texted after his call about meeting before facing the judge on Tuesday.

Street was a bit nervous, even though he figured the case would either be stopped once the charges were dropped or that if they actually went to trial, they had enough evidence on their favor. Alex had said said the judge was going to suggest the trail went back to civil instead of criminal, which eliminates the need for an ankle monitor and most of the punishment.

Street was enjoying a nice cold beverage when he noticed a car stopping in front of the cafe. He saw as Alex got out in a hurry and opened the door to the place.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late!" said Alex rushing in

"Don't worry. It's all good. How are you?" he said extending his hand

After hand shaking, Alex took a seat next to him. "That's a trivial question." he said rolling his eyes.

"What happened?" Street asked

"Car broke down this morning, had to drive the wife to work and the kids with their grandmother. After my oldest one finally recovered from her meltdown, I was able to leave. Once around the corner, boom! Car gets hit by a flying bicycle, cops come, the car wont start. Took it to the shop and the mechanic said I'll be on my own for at least two days until they can get the part and set it up. Just not my week, really!" he lamented

"Aw, man! I'm sorry." Street said shaking his head

"Yeah, but listen, we gotta talk about what happened yesterday and your kid's trial. We have to be ready to face the judge on Tuesday!"

"I'm all ears!" Street said placing the soda down and leaning forward

"Sergeant Kay, Sergeant Harrelson Jr and Commander Hicks?" called a young woman dressed in a black suit, stepping into the reception area, as the three men stood to the side, chit chatting quietly.

"Yes!" Hicks responded. as all three turned to face the woman

The three officials broke the huddle and went towards the young lady. After receiving a name tag, they were each handed a clipboard with a series of documents which included a liability release as they were each to be subjected to a polygraph examination to gather as many facts as possible of Chris' performance. The members of the board were well aware that over time one constructs loyalty, but they needed to be as objective as possible with the background information of each candidate.

"Sergeant Harrelson Jr? Please follow Agent White to room 3001." she directed as she gestured to her left.

Hondo was intrigued. He wanted to know exactly what they were gong to ask since he himself had written some disciplinary reports on Chris when she was in SWAT, mostly because of Street.

"Sergeant, please follow me." said an older black gentlemen who stood by the door. When he looked inside there were two more officials sitting behind a table with a small polygraph machine, cables, a laptop and two notepads.

 After greetings, introduction and the usual identification verification questions, the agent dug deep into the dynamics and the past experiences of Chris in SWAT. He kept insisting in getting Hondo's personal opinion,

"Facts are written down, we want to hear what is not" he repeated various times

At some point Hondo became annoyed and uncomfortable with the insinuations projected. What is this guy implying? He's asking as if we just write a bunch of stuff in a paper like we some kind of super hero comic book author! he thought clearly irritated.

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