Chapter 21: Add one more

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"So, not only did you put her name forward, you crashed her place? With a teenage boy on top of everything?" Buck asked surprised, "I'm so proud of her for not committing murder!"

Street just stared at the floor, silently.

"I'll tell you one thing, a legal guardian and a parent are not the same, Jim. Have you thought about that?"

"Well, the deal with CFS and the judge was that he'd stay with us while he awaited trial. After the trial, the deal would be off and we would have to either continue this status quo or make him permanent."

"Have you talked about it with her? I'm sure Chris likes the kid, right? I saw what happened in Cooper Heights the other day."

The night was inviting, as the two men sat on long chairs in the back porch right next to the small pool. They had been downing the coke as they enjoyed the cool breeze of  night. 

"Yeah. Her family absolutely loves him. They can relate coz of his latino background too."

"You spoke with her folks?"

"Yeah. Look, Buck" he said placing the bottle down and turning to the older man, "I know it's a long and complicated commitment, but I don't wanna have to chose between them. I keep thinking both are the reason why I wake up every day. And...we had a scare the other night, same day as the op... that just broke us."

"What happened?" Buck asked curiously

"He had a psychotic episode-

"Oh my God!"

"Yeah, we ended up in the hospital. He cut himself. I just couldn't bare, I couldn't lose him."

"Is he getting help?"

"Yeah, and plus I've removed every knife from the house. Store them in Chris' safety box in a corner of the closet. But, it was just eye opening for me, you know?"

"Yeah. I know a thing or two about being in that crossroad! But a kid? Whatever trauma he lived, it really messed him up."

"I know. That's why when Chris showed up I made up my mind and I sat her down to talk about him. We had to make a decision. I told her that I just...couldn't handle it. I need them both in my life, Buck."

"Have you talked about your relationship with her?"

"That's...a bit more complicated! With the program and everything, I'm trying to not throw a bunch of stuff at her, coz I don't want her to think I'm overwhelming her."

"You can't wait forever, Jim" he paused, "What about you? Are you sure about how you feel about her?"

"Yeah, and I talked with her folks too."

"Bout what?"

"The first step...just a promise for now. Coz she's going through a lot downtown and-"

"Jim, listen to me." he paused as he straightened up and placed his bottle down on the ground, "Chris is going to live hell for a long long time. If you are going to wait until everything it rosy and perfect, you're gonna lose her, buddy."

"What are you talking about, Buck?"

"Nobody wants her downtown, Jim. Nobody. They will make her life miserable. No matter how good, how talented, how determined she is."

"Yeah" Jim lamented

"You know how I figure that?" he paused as Jim shook his head slowly, "Because I made her life a living hell when she started at SWAT. I gave her the most difficult courses of training, double the reps, scrutinized every single movement she made, called her out over the slightest detail...everything! My mission was to tire her...enough to make her quit and go back to K9!"

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