Chapter 7: Pivot

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As the task force crew moved in, 20 squad lined up approaching the field from the far left side, which was the only side not covered by any of the gangs in the fight. Hanson, the crew leader, tiptoed behind a car parked in front of the small dugout. Two more of his men came in from Miss Rita's back yard, left side. The last duo came in from the corner of the outfield. Deacon watched Hanson's every step, leading the formation of SWAT officers.

Hanson stopped abruptly at the side of a damaged car, oddly positioned by first base side. The car seem to have swiveled on the road and was now sitting with one wheel on the sidewalk, and the rest in the road. He put his fist up, as the crew came in and gathered behind him following formation. They knew they had to make sure the vehicle was vacated.

Suddenly Captain Tiberius heard screams from his talkie. Chris and the others got spooked, as the noise from the background was deafening.

"Mayday! Mayday!" yelled General Sims from the adjoining room

The other crew seemed to have encountered heavy resistance from the assailants. He took the talkie to the other room, which left the a vacated position on the mission in the field.

"What happened?" they heard him ask as the door closed

"Hondo, we got a problem." reported Deacon, watching the leader of the task force crew move through the side of the car. He noticed there was a man sitting by the passenger's side of the front bumper. He seemed to have been hit, for his head was bowed down hardly, motionless, but he was breathing.

"What?" Hondo answered

"Suspect at crew's 1 o'clock. Be advised, suspect could be armed, but is down on the ground."

"Copy that." Hicks responded, both leader and commander turned to Chris who was focused on the visual from aerial coverage.

"Commander, this is 50 David! We have a situation!" Stevens called, desperately

Hondo and Chris looked at each other, as Hicks  responded, weary of what was going on in that side of the op. "Come in Stevens."

"The task force crew is taking heavy fire from the roof and the bottom window. We confirmed 3 hostages in the first house and 60 Squad noted 2 in the other."

"Copy that!" Hicks turned to Hondo and quickly said, "Take care of the guys on the field. I gotta follow up on this." Hicks turned and moved to a smaller space, to the right of the center.

"Yes, sir."

"Hondo?" called in Deacon

"Yeah, Deac."

"What's the order?"

"We're still waiting confirmation. Stay put."


Chris heard all this and began to panic. Rules clearly state that she had to wait until orders were dispatched to make any decision. However, she had possibly four victims in a car, plus the kids in the field. She was caught between what she should do and what to do.

Hondo approached her and using his finger pointed to the position of the man, who was hardly noticeable because of the sand and dust being lifted by the chopper. "Serge, there's an armed suspect at this side of the vehicle where your men are moving in."

"Ok." she said to him and she grabbed the talkie, "Hanson, halt position."

"Sarge, we count four possible victims inside." called Hanson

"We weren't counting on people being in that car." said Hondo, as he turned to Chris

"That's why mass control is so variable and unpredictable." she said to herself, as her former leader stared at her. She turned and found him looking straight at her, "I'm not supposed to give out orders until I get confirmation from my boss"

"I know" Hondo said nodding

"But...we may have more than 6 victims, who may end up in body bags if we don't act fast."

Hondo nodded quietly. "So, what do you wanna do, serge?"

She shot a look at him, then a the screen showing the crews frozen in the field and knew she had to consult first. After a deep breath, she took off into the next room, but Tiberius was now on the phone with one of the assailants, acting as the negotiator.

"Captain?" she called

The man was so engaged, he didn't even notice her existence. She called again. No response. Didn't even turn around to face her. She was starting to get really pissed off now. One more time. He waved her off.

So...what the hell do I do now? He doesn't even care for those kids! I gotta do this on my own, but...can I? This isn't like SWAT. My decision doesn't just impact my guys, I got another squad that depends on me, plus the kids, the gang bangers, the neighbors, etc... Damn! This is hard as hell! she thought getting frustrated.

  "Sarge?" Hondo said snapping her back

She stood at the doorway, looking at her captain, then at Hondo...back at Tiberius, then Hondo. She took a deep breath and realized, it was up to her. Nobody else!

"Chris? We can't move until you give us the go!" Hondo said, "Let's do this, Sarge!" he said nodding his head once

She nodded her head, determined. "I gotta an idea."

She returned to her post, and examined the map and the visuals for a second. Then she turned to Hondo. "New plan. We're gonna pivot."

"Yes, ma'am!" Hondo nodded

She stared at the visuals and she directed her speech to Hondo. "Hondo, let's make a trap. I'll have my crew work from front to back, sending the perp towards SWAT. You neutralize him and then I send my guys in to make a barrier for your guys to get the victims out. If there is someone that can't be moved, then one of my guys can stay while an RA gets there."

"What if the shooters from the other side turn towards our side?" Hicks said coming in from the other room

 "We'll move towards the wide opened space down the first line and with the shields, we'll create a barrier. We'll keep approaching slowly but steady. Have them empty out their weapons, use all of their ammo. Throw in as much gas as we have around the left side of the field. Also, bring in Black Betty for cover. I'll tell the chopper to reduce height and create a cloud of dust on the field. SWAT can use it all as cover to sneak in and get the kids that are barricaded at that end of the field. We gotta work in sync, or this will never work."

"Yes, ma' am!" Hondo nodded once as agreement.

"Alright, that's a plan!" said Hicks nodding

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