Chapter 23: Sisters

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His mouth was so dry, his body suddenly felt the need to cough. Cough! Cough! He swallowed hard as he began to open his eyes slowly.

Yesterday had been a very intense day, so much so that he got home and literally landed  face down on the couch. His body didn't even make it to the bathroom to take a shower.

As he opened his eyes, he noticed he must've not moved the entire night, because he was still face down, feet hanging on the arm rest of the couch. His back was numb, mouth was dry, his body begged for a shower, the couch pleaded for a break!

He slowly woke up and sat up on the couch. He still had the same clothing as the day before and judging by the mess in the apartment, he hadn't made any attempts at cleaning after himself. Chris is gonna kill me! Darn it! he thought as he leaned his head backwards.

It took him some seconds to admit his bladder was about to burst. If he didn't want to have to throw the couch to the dumpster with men's urine, he better make it to the bathroom quickly! So, he did. After relieving himself, he hopped on the shower and treated himself to a nice quiet cleansing.

The apartment was quiet as Rubio had spent the night over at Buck's, who told him he would be bringing the kid back later in the night. He was taking them to the cinema and the arcade. There were no arguments from Street. Now however, he felt weird in the silence of the place. He truly missed him!



Street went towards the living room and after knocking a table, a lamp, his shield, his shoes and many other things, he finally would his ringing cellphone.

"Hello!" he answered quickly catching his breath

"Hey Street! It's Deacon. Morning!"

"Hey Deac!" he said calming down

"Everything ok? You sound agitated?"

"Yeah, I couldn't find my cellphone and I kinda freaked out for a moment."

"Well, if your locker is any indication of your organization at home, then, yeah, I can see that happening." Deacon said with a smirk

"C'mon, Deacon, it's too early!"

"I'm kidding. Listen, I'm just calling to tell you my boss got us the gig. We start Friday at 6pm until Monday 2am. You sure you're up to it?"

"Deacon, I need the money. I'm serious!"

"Alright, listen up..." Deacon began as he explained in detail the instructions received about their security gig the following weekend

Meanwhile, at the Harrelson's, breakfast was being served. Hondo was ready for the day, as he had already planned everything out. It was a special day because a day like today some years ago he crashed Nichelle's van... and their story began. Even though they hit some bumps along the way, he knew he made the right decision to settle down with Nichelle.

"Baby, you ready for breakfast?" he called



"So early? On a Saturday? Must be pops!" he said to himself as he finished plating and wiped his hands on the kitchen towel that rested on his shoulder. His free shoulder! At last the doctor declared him a free man, removing the immobilizer and allowing him more and more movement. All he needed was to finish a couple more hours of physical therapy and he would be ready to face physicals and get back to the field with his squad. If he worked hard, he could be cleared as early as next Friday!

"Wow! What's the occasion? asked Nichelle, stopping in front of the dinning room table with a bright smile in her face

Hondo smiled as he approached her and took her by the waist. He swung her around as if a slow ballad was heard in the background and then pulled her close. She twirled her dress and let herself fall into his arms!

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