Chapter 26: When the family grew

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He could still smell her...even after hours! It still stung a lot not being able to have her with him, semi officially, but she was his dream girl and nobody could deny that. He had it bad...real bad!

As night fall came, Street finally made it home. He got some groceries from the market and began cooking dinner. He called Buck in the afternoon and got word that the kids were heading to Great Servants Park in Long Beach for a couple of hours of skating. 

As he was getting the pot of water ready on the stove, he began reminiscing about this morning. He could still feel her lips on his neck, her nails digging into the skin of his abdomen as she slipped her hands inside of his shirt. He swore he wanted to just take her home and ravish her all day! But...she pulled away! Duty called! Damn duty always got in their way!



Street dug into his pants pocket and pulled out his phone. Even though there was a slim hope in his heart that it would be Chris' name on the screen, he was also aware of how much of a long shot that would be. Especially after the complicated schedule she had for the day!

"Hey!" he greeted

"Bendición, pa!" (Blessings, pops!) answered Rubio excited

"Um...wait! I know this!", he said stopping his movements. Chris had taught him before about the blessings greetings and what he was supposed to answer as the adult. "Um, Dee-os tee  bend? Something like that!" he said puzzled

"HAHAHA" the kid giggled, "Pops, you sound so gringo! Dios te bendiga, you suppose to say. Ma told you!" he complained

"Hey, c'mon buddy. I'm trying here!" he snapped, "How was it with Buck?"

"Super cool. Granpa is grumpy, pops." he said before resuming his giggles

"Hey! I heard that!" Street giggled as he heard Buck's voice  from afar

"I going home, pops. I got a surprise." he said sounding extra excited

Street frowned looking at the phone, "Buddy, please don't get me in trouble with Chris!"

"Nah! I'ma angel, pops...remember!"

"Right! I'll...uh...start packing...hopefully we can crash at Luca's for a few days"

"Pops, relax! We no in trouble. ¡Confía!" (Trust me!)

"The fact that you're using Spanish to try to convince me, knowing fully well I wont understand, is even more concerning, kid!" he said, now legitimately freaking out

Rubio continued to giggle quietly as some seconds went by.

"We're here!" he heard Rex yell in the background

"Tell your old man to get his butt down here and help you with the boxes." he heard Buck call in the background

"Old man? Excuse me!" Street complained as he heard Rubio giggle some more, "What boxes? You only took a half empty backpack yesterday, Rubio! Please do NOT get me in trouble!"

"Pa, relax! I gotchu!" he said as Street was already anticipating Chris' screams.

Street grabbed the keys, turned off the stove and headed out the door. As he got off the elevator, he noticed Buck's truck at the entrance of the apartment building with the two kids on the outside each carrying boxes and bags.

"What is all this?" Street asked coming out of the building signaling the packages.

"I GOT A DOG!" Rubio yelled as a small sandy brown dog stuck his head out from the carton box he was holding. Rex just giggled as Buck stood just outside of the driver's door.

"What!?!?" Street said as he stumbled the rest of the sentence, jaw dropping to the ground in total disbelief. He turned to Buck, "Buck, what the hell?"

"Pops, language!" Rubio snapped

"Buddy" he began as he took a deep breath, trying to calm down, "you and I are already crashing in this place, and now you wanna bring in a dog? What?" Street asked loosing his mind, as he grabbed his head with both hands. "Oh my God!  Oh my God! Oh my God!"

"Pops, you said her place is ours too, and I gonna take care of him. His name is Topo!"

"Oh my God!" he repeated as he watched the kid take the dog out of the box and cradle it in his arms.

"You say ma loves dogs, plus there's a picture in the apartment of her with a dog. So...I find him and grandpa say I can learn responsibility. He help get everything forTopito, and he gonna take classes of obediencia (obedience) in the Pet Shop too."

"Buddy, that was her K9 dog. Her job, Rubio!" Street complained as his eyes keep growing and growing, his jaw dropping lower and lower. "Buck?" he said turning to the driver, "Chris is gonna kill me!"

"If she hasn't already, you'll be fine." he said nonchalantly

"Yeeeeaah!" said the excited teenager, "Pops, help me with the crate and the food." he said. Then he turned to Buck, "Thanks grandpa. Class is Wednesday, right?"

"Yup, that's right" he said with a grin staring at Street who was just frozen, eyes still popping out, jaw almost completely detached from his body.

"Bendición. Bye!" the boy said as he hurriedly waved goodbye and ran past Street.

"Bye Rubio. Bye Topo!" Rex said getting in the car and closing the passenger door

Street swallowed hard as he watched the car sped off. He knew he was in deep, deep trouble now!

"Hey! You are in so much's not even funny!" Street said as he closed the door behind him

"Why?" the kid asked puzzled

"You know what? I want no part of this." he said as he placed the bags and the crate's box down. He dug into his pocket and immediately dialed her number. "You are gonna tell ma right now! I don't want any surprises!"

"Ok!" said the kid excited

It took her two rings to answer. When she did, the camera reflected her in an office, "Hey, Jim!" she answered with a tired voice.

"Hey, tired?" he asked surprised

  "More like annoyed." she said staring in front of her, "Why the video call?"

"C'mere!" he called to Rubio gesturing with his fingers to approach. The teen was still holding on the the pup. "Because Rubio here wants to tell you something!"

Rubio placed the pup in the box next to Jim and stood next to the officer, waving at the camera.

"¡Bendición, ma!" (Blessings, mom!)

"Dios te bendice, amor. ¿Está todo bien? (May God bless you, dear. Is everything ok?)"  she paused, "In English, so Jim can understand, ok?"  she said sternly, not turning completely to the camera

"Ok." he said as he went to get the pup

"For the record, I had nothing to do with this, Chris. I swear!"

"Oh my God! What happened? You're scaring me!"

"I had no idea about this...I didn't approve of this. I'm just happy with half of the bed, half of the rent and the food in the fridge!"

"Jesus!" Chris said frowning

"Pops, relax, she gonna love it!" the kid said as he was struggling to get the pet steady on his arms

"I'm gonna love what?"

"Remember that you love him and me, Chris and that murder is a capital offense!" Street warned

"Jim?!?" she asked shaking her head, now frowning scared

"Ma, it's a surprise!"she could hear Rubio's voice but he was nowhere in the picture.

The kid was fixing a bow onto the pup's collar.

"Ma, surprise!" he suddenly appeared on screen, holding the small pup high, "This is Topo!"


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