Chapter 30: Mistakes & Compromises

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"Morning!" Luca greeted coming in the house, immediately placing his surfboard by the entrance.

"Hey Dom! How are you?" greeted April, as she enjoyed a cup of coffee by the living room sofa.

"I'm good, you?" Luca greeted. He and April had made amends some weeks ago, so their encounters weren't awkward anymore.

"I'm doing ok. Just waiting on Terry." She said nodding, taking a sip of her coffee

"Where are you heading?" he asked approaching the kitchen.

"He said he had a big job, some restaurant is having its grand opening today for lunch. He said he needed to set up real early." she said as Luca took a water bottle from the fridge, uncapped it and began drinking.

He took two big gulps, nodding his head to her. In that moment Terry exited the bathroom wearing a polo over dark jeans.

"Hey bro! Remember I got the opening today. You told me to remind you of something with Rubio." he said as he went into his office

"Hey! Yeah, I gotta call Jim." Luca said pondering deep into his thoughts

"Everything ok with him?" April asked concerned

"Yeah. He told me he wanted to work for a couple of hours in the food truck. So, I told him he could work during lunch rush down at Bayside." Luca said. Then, finished the bottle.

"Oh, ok." she said nodding

"Alright, we're out." Terry called closing his office door. "Hey! and...uh...tomorrow I probably wont be here, so I'll swing by Tuesday or Wednesday. If you need anything, you know my number. See you later, bro!" he said hurriedly as he and April closed the door behind them.

"Bye!" Luca said as he thought for a moment.

He grabbed his cellphone and dialed Street's number.



"Hey, Luca!" Street answer somewhat annoyed

"It's not fair, pops! He don't do nothing." Luca heard Rubio complaining in the back

"Shhh....I'm on the phone!" Street scolded

"Hey! Hey! What's going on, bro?" Luca asked sensing the discomfort in Jim's voice

"Not in a good mood, really." Street said, "It's the dog!"

"C'mon, dude! Don't be Mr. Grumpy! That pup is small and quiet, doesn't even bark! He only cries a little when left alone, but not like a loud shriek or anything!" Luca said with a smirk

"Luca!" Street complained

"Street, c'mon man! Why are you complaining? He's a sweet dog!" Luca snapped

"I don't want him in my bed, Luca! I don't appreciate waking up with his butt in my face!" Street complained as the Luca giggled

"What are you talking about man?" he asked

"Ma! Pops don't want Topo!" he heard Rubio say in the back

"Uh oh! He called his mom on you, bro?" Luca said

"I can't believe you called Chris, Rubio!" he heard Street said

"Topo didn't do nothing." Rubio said

"Wait! Wait!" Luca could hear Chris say as both males made silence. "Street what happened with Topo?"

"He got in the bed. Woke up to his butt in my face. I mean, you can imagine it's not a pretty sight to open up your eyes to a butt hole! You know?" he heard Street say as he giggled and shook his head. He could hear the kid laughing in the background and maybe even Chris shucking.

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