Chapter 14: Gotta make it right

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Disclaimer: strong language and scenes are presented in this chapter. Readers, please be advised it is not suitable for younger audiences.


Chris took a deep breath, then lifted her gaze by straightening up in the chair. Her eyes cluttered with tears, as she stared aimlessly in front of her.

As much as Street really wanted -and needed- to continue their erotic session, he knew he had to take a break. Her eyes were screaming for comfort, not sexual contact.

"Babe?" he asked, moving his chair closer to her

"I lost it, Street." she said swallowing hard

"What happened?" he said, placing his arm around her and pulling her slowly

"I just couldn't stand to be quiet while he said those things about minorities. I just- I couldn't!" she said slowly

"Just tell me what happened." he said, as she turned and dug her face into his chest. He rested his chin on her head. They remained like that for some seconds until she slowly pulled back.

"Thank you" she said, almost in a whisper. She planted a soft kiss on his lips, as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Chris, tell me what happened. Let it out."

She bowed her head, took a deep breath and rested her head on his chest.

"After I met with you and the guys, I was called back to the mobile center. There, captain was waiting for me with Sims, his arms crossed, really mad looking. I didn't pay attention coz at that point all I could think about was how great everything turned out." she paused as she wiped another tear, clearing her throat, "Then he started scolding me as if I was a child. I let it pass, you know? Swallowed all the curses and keeping my fist away from his face."


"Then we went back to Police Plaza, where Johnson and his staff were waiting for us for even more ass whooping. He and his executives continued to shake their heads and say how the op was a total bust, when in my mind, it wasn't. I mean, yeah, two kids were injured, but that happened before we got there."

"Yeah? So?"

"Then, this bastard Tiberius asks to speak and starts bashing me in front of the whole board. I didn't have an issue in the center, but there? No way! Especially after I had heard him say 'We'll get to the little rascals there, coz eventually another black momma is gonna have more and the others will be jumping the border!' D*ckhead! So, I asked to speak and I called him out. I told them what really happened in the truck, what he said to the patrol officer, how he spoke about immigrants and blacks...everything! He interrupted me a couple of times til I told him to shut up and let me talk. And you know what that rat bastard said? Like, to me?"

"I'm afraid to ask."

"He told me I felt enraged because me or my family knew what those kids were feeling coz it was just like crossing the border! Like, he questioned my own family's legal status! What the f*ck! Street, I wanted to just knock all his damn teeth out!" she said, as she clinched he jaw and closed both fists.

"Oh my God!"

"Yeah...but, we really got into it, then officers began arguing among themselves, until the whole room was a mess. I lost my cool and slammed my hand on the table. That's when they drew the line. Johnson yelled to shut up and stared at both of us for a second til he kicked us out. Said he had to think if it was worth it to go back to the selection stage of the first step of the program. I stopped by the bathroom and heard a couple of officers walking by, being sent home to cool off. It was just a disaster." she finished shaking her head

Street rubbed her arm, as she continued to rest on his chest.

"But...I gotta make it right, Street! I can't let him down!" she said as she slowly rose

"What are you talking about?"

"Rubio. I picked him up from Miss Rita's when I was dismissed by my superiors. I was so mad, I just wanted to see him. I knew what I did was wrong, talking back, but...I couldn't let him talk about my kid like that. About us! All of us! My aunt and uncle, many of the people I know, fought hard to be in this country. Good people. Just...I heard him talk to the boys about me with such praise, I didn't even know what to say. Then, all the ride here he kept saying a lot of great things about me that at one point I didn't know if he was talking about me or somebody else!"

"He looks up to you, Chris. He admires you a lot."

"I know...but it' like an even bigger pressure than the one I'm used to, Jim. I've never really had to do it right. I mean, I chose to, but because I wanted to, not because I knew someone was watching."

"You know? Someone once told me that having a kid is like having the spotlight on you 24/7."

"Right?" she said turning to him, "Must've been a fortune cookie or something." she said with a shyly smile

"Nah, just a really smart guy." he said extending his hand for her to grab, "Chris, don't think of him or me as an immense pressure. We don't want you to be perfect, we don't even need you to be perfect. He needs someone who can give him stability, someone he can trust. As well as me."

She moved her arm so as to grab his and rest her elbow on her knee. "What are we going to do after the trial?"

"I-" Street began



"Sorry." she said lowering her gaze to the phone. Street was disappointed, but knew this was important too. "Sergeant" she answered

She quickly turned to Street, still her mobile on her ear. She quickly stood and planted a soft kiss on his lips, then quickly moved towards the kid's bedroom. Street rose to his feet in time to see her plant a kiss on Rubio's forehead, nodding to the phone. She pulled his bed sheets higher and placed a tender hand on his shoulder, as the teen slept peacefully.

She only stood there for two seconds, when she suddenly went towards him. "I gotta go. Board's calling us for an SOS meeting." she whispered to him, while pulling the cellphone behind her back. He nodded and she grabbed her bag.

"Yes, sir. Understood. Thank you." she said hanging up. She took a deep breath, titled her head back and whispered curse words in Spanish. Street came over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Babe, it's gonna be ok."

"It's the whole board of members. Congress called, said they watched the news. We're in so much-

"Language!" he interrupted, pointing his index finger

Chris didn't have a choice but to giggle. "They sent a car to pick me up. It's downstairs."

"Hey! It's gonna be fine. You got this. But this time, if he gets in your face, no matter what he says, I want you to think of what would you want our kid to do and say in a similar circumstance."

"Damn!" she paused to think, "Bite my tongue until I get the top spot and then kick his ass?"

"Um...sure." he said with a smirk

"I'm sorry!" she said planting a soft kiss on his lips, "But I promise you, when this is over, I'll s*ck u harder than a vacuum!" she said as she kissed him and bit his lower lip.

He clinched his jaw and roared, as he truly wanted -and needed- her to stay in that moment. However, she turned around so quick, he didn't even have a chance to respond!

"Damn! F*ck!" Street said as he stood frozen for a full minute...still trying to snap back to reality!

Suddenly, he snapped and raced through the door and down the hall towards the elevator. But...she was gone! When he looked up, the elevator marked ground floor. She was gone!

"F*ck!" he let out in frustration and other strong emotions, "She -I mean- f*ck! She's gonna drive me insane! Chris!" he finished with a strong fist to the wall. Yet, again, another structural innocent victim of their romance!

Unexpected 8: Stand ProudOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz