Chapter 11: The wait

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Hicks came from behind the door as he pushed it closed, revealing a smiling Sergeant Alonso.

"SARGE!" yelled the men excited. Each went to hug and greet her, while Hicks smiled contently. They hadn't seen her in weeks, ever since she left SWAT to pursue the new role. Plus, when they arrived they were immediately sent to the field, so they didn't even know she led them to a successful operative. The best part was that she was even more excited than them, as she went one by one giving each a huge hug.

"Guys, this gal right here? Wow!" Hicks said pointing at her, as she pulled away from the last hug.

The guys erupted into rounds of applause and cheers, as she blushed and shook her head slowly.

"Nah, it was all a team effort. Hicks and Hondo did a great job." she said shyly

"Absolutely not!" Hicks immediately said, "Guys, we literally just stepped back and let her do her thing." Hicks paused, "She had to pivot, come up with stuff on the spot, managed the chopper, two was marvelous and I couldn't be more proud!" Hicks said smiling at her

"Let's go, sarge!" Luca cheered throwing punches in the air, as they others joined the cheers among a sea of smiles.

"I tell you, it fills me up with joy to think that one of my own has reached such a high level of professionalism and provided such a tremendous performance. Thank you, Chris! Thank you for representing all of us in SWAT and LAPD."

The guys renewed the applause as Chris blushed, shook her head and waved them off. She felt her old commander was praising her too much. They did most of the work anyway!

"Honestly, I couldn't have done it with you guys. I was scared as hell, but I needed to trust my gut and everything I learned in SWAT and LAPD. Making the calls is tough, really. Now more than ever I appreciate what you did with us." she said turning to Hicks

"Well, it doesn't really help when your boss leaves you like that." Hicks said annoyed

"What do you mean?" Deacon asked

"While you guys were in the field, her boss focused on the first mission. His actual orders were to breach and secure the residents first and then move to the outside." Hicks said turning to them.

"But... the kids were in the middle of the crossfire!" Tan said confused

"Exactly, my point! He called me off, so I had to send you and my unit over here." Chris responded

"She stood her ground and even presented her own plan." Hicks said

"That explains the sudden change of position." Deacon said as he remembered how they went from heading to the house to running all the way to the field!

"Yeah, I had to convince my boss that the kids needed as much help, if not more. Then, once the op started he went to negotiate with the perps on the other side. I didn't have much of a choice than was sink or swim at that point!" she said with a shrug

"...and that's why she's gonna be a rockin' captain! Woot woot!" Luca cheered stirring up everybody in the group.

As the men entangled in an enthusiastic dialogue, Hondo was still stroking Nichelle's hair as she slept peacefully in the cot. It was a heartbreaking scene for him, especially since he made himself promise never to be the reason why she ends up in the hospital ever again. After the accident, watching her recover was the most painful experience he'd ever gone through. It was ten times worse that his own recovery!

He began reminiscing of all his time in Japan, going over the places she marked in her book, their dinners, cooking for her, sharing romantic moments, walking in the beach...

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