Chapter 4: She, captain

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Rubio sat on the stone walkway at the side of Miss Rita's house. There, most of the kids gathered just before they headed out to the field. Rubio began putting on the catcher's gear as the others chatted. He had earned the position after an intense discussion and small tryout-like drill with rival teen Giovanni 'Gio' Mercedes.

The kids were used to sharing equipment and gear, even the catchers. Rubio collected things from everybody he knew and pieced them together. After all, he knew his parents were tight on money and wasn't expecting them to just hand him the hundreds needed to buy the gear.

"Papi, un día de estos, en vez de estar poniendome to este rebolú, me voy a estar vistiendo con el chaleco y to'as las pistolas como mi viejo y mi mai." (Dude, one day, instead of putting on all this mess, I'ma be putting on a vest and guns, just like my old man and my ma.) he said very proudly

"¡Di que te va a busca problemas con el jefe!" (You gonna get in trouble with your boss!) Pito teased

"¡Oye que te lo digo! A lacito 'e oro lo van a botar de la policía esa de SWAT!" (Listen, I'm telling you, blonde's gonna get kicked out of that police SWAT thing)  Moncho added making the others giggle

"¿y? ¡Maní, a mi pai lo botaron y comoquiera volvió! ¡Estamos ready!" (So? Dude, my pops got kicked out but he got back in. I'm ready!) he said as the group continued to giggle

"Bori, ¿y cuando vamos al partido?" (Bori, so when are we playing?)  Pito urged

"¡Fuímonos!" (Let's go!)

Leyla heard this, so she went to sit next to him. She got close to him, as the boy was finishing tying up the vest and shin guards.

"Hey! Nuh uh! You aint gonna catch today!"she said, shaking her head and untying her skates.

"What's up, Leyla?" he said frozen

"You aint gonna be catching! You got one arm, Rubio!" she turned to the group gathered just outside of Miss Rita's back fence, waiting on the ones changing. "Gio, get your stuff!"

They 16 yr old Venezuelan boy turned towards her with a puzzled expression. "Epa, ¿no vas como receptor, Rubio?" (Hey, you're not gonna be the catcher, Rubio?) he asked approaching them

"¡Seguro que sí!" (Of course!) he said immediately snapping at him. He then turned to Leyla, "Leyla, what's up with that?"

"Rubio! That's crazy! You had burns and cuts in yo arms!"she paused as he shook his head angrily, "You don't take that stuff off and I'm leaving"

"That was last week. I'm fine!"

"Ok" she said as she grabbed her roller blades and began putting them on again.

"¡Chica!" (Girl!) he complained. She took off one shoe. No word.

"You serious?" she took off the other shoe. No word.

"Leyla?" she put on one shoe. No word.

"¡'Ta bien, 'ta bien!" (Ok, ok) he complained letting go of the helmet and taking off the vest. He shook his head, lamenting the grip she had on him. He then began taking off the gear, while cussing under his breath.

She smiled back. "Thought so." she said giggling."I got you all figure out!"

"You're mean, Leyla!"

"You and me, we're playing outfield today!"

...and so, they were off! Everyone ran off to the space as Miss Rita supervised from her chair. The Infield was taken care of the best four fielders in the group: Shawn had first;  Tomás and his brother Jacobo, aka Bobo, the brothers from the slumps,  had second and short; and Larry, the poor white boy from 67th and 7th, had third. Outfield consisted of Leyla, Moncho and Rubio. Pitching was done by Pito and catching duties were covered by Gio.

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