Chapter 9: Get em!

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"On my count!" called Chris

Hicks and Hondo nodded, as they watched the screen. "Send in Black Betty. When I give the signal, begin the advance"

"Roger!" Hondo said. "Luca, go!"

They watched as the big truck went backwards, then forward, entering from left field. As it was crossing right center, Chris called for advance. Using the truck and the shields, the officers began advancing towards the bleachers. The fire intensified with every step they took.

"Fire has picked up!" Hicks called

"If we take those kids out, we'll be exposing them too much." Chris said. "Halt Black Betty. We're going for deceit again, this time, throw the dust onto the perps."

"Yes, ma'am!" Hondo said nodding his head. He relaid the instructions as she did the same.

"Ready?" she asked Hondo, who nodded once. "Ok, turn Black Betty, slowly"

Luca was able to make almost a U turn in center field, as he lined the back of the vehicle towards the bleachers. The officers hid behind the front.

"Now!" called Chris

In seconds the perps were bombarded with dust as the cloud disoriented them enough to help law enforcement come in. Deacon came into confrontation with one, as two of crew help tackle the man. The other four continued to shoot aimlessly, as the officers advanced.

The only officer that did not move forward was Street. He saw as everyone advanced forward, while he staid behind. He stood frozen!

"Who is that?" Hicks asked

"Street!" Hondo called, getting Chris' attention. She turned to the screen.

"Hondo, each suspect is engaged with an officer. Fire is controlled." Street called

"Suspect down!" called Hanson

"Second suspect down!" Deacon called

"Rabbit!" called Tan as one of the men ran towards the opposite field. Street turned to tackle him but he showed some slick moves and avoided the officer.

"Damn!" he lamented

Tan and Street went after the man as Alvarado followed and Luca, who had just come down from the truck, joined in the chase.

"Third suspect down" called Lee

"Get him!" Luca said

"Policía! Policía!" (Police! Police!) Pico yelled from behind the barricades. The kids began screaming as the man approached their hide out.

"Don't let him get to the kids, Street!"  Luca yelled

Street and Tan ran step by step with the man, as they pushed their semiautomatic out of the way to run faster.

"He's going straight for the kids...probably use them as hostage for leverage!" Hicks said

"C'mon guys!" Hondo cheered

The man was greeted with an enclosed space, as the teenagers were able to move the pallets and debris closer together, not allowing for a single opening. Frustrated, the man stood and pointed the gun at one of the open slots between the front pallet.


That one shot froze the officers, as the kids began screaming inside.

"Pitoooooo! Pitoooooo!" they could hear Rubio yelling

"STOP OR I'LL SHOOT!" he yelled over their voices towards the officers

All four of the officers surrounded the man, standing in formation with weapons pointed at him. They stared at him and they wondered if the kids were alright.

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