Final Straw

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Their talk was postponed...yet again! Chris texted late complaining of a headache and sleepiness, so Street told her to take some pills and go to sleep. He hoped for a better chance tomorrow.

Monday at HQ meant a heavy buzz as everyone reported back to work. People chatted, coffee grinder sounded, keyboards sounds had echos, sneakers pounded the floors and lockers were opened and closed. 

Deacon and Hondo were enjoying some coffee in the kitchen, as Luca chatted with the rookies near the training area and Tan checked his phone in the locker room. The temperatures were above the one hundred degrees, so no one really wanted to get calls today. Except Hicks, who didn't have a choice. The older gentleman hadn't been able to make it to HQ because he was summoned to an urgent meeting with the major's staff at City Hall.

"Guys, Hicks on!" Deacon called standing in the hallway.

"I'll get Street!" Luca said as the ladies headed to kitchen

Meanwhile, Street was down at the range training room working on drills drawn out by Hondo. With Chris gone, Hondo had assigned Street and Tan for main sniper duties. They each had to work hard to earn the top spot for sniper of the team, as they had huge shoes to fill. So, he took advantage of all available time to work on his aim, maneuvers and others. Even though he had won Master Gunner during the TLI competition, he wanted the sniper duties all to himself and set his goal to be even better than his girl.




"More or less" he said to himself removing the protective eye and ear gears. He shrugged as he knew he could do better. Truth is Deacon worked with him last week and said he was doing great, but Street was skeptical. The older officer warned that sometimes we could be our worst enemies, especially when striving for perfection.

"Hey, Street!" he turned to the door, as Luca stuck his head in

"Sup bro?" he greeted by nodding once

"Take a break. Huge conference in City Hall now...they'll talk about sis' task force! Hurry up!" he said and quickly left.

Without any hesitation, Street placed everything away hurriedly and made his way to the main floor. He saw Luca who waved at him from the kitchen. 

The kitchen was crowded, as everyone gathered around the screen in the far wall. Some sat on the stools, most gathered around the tables. There was a huge buzz as the top officials of the LAPD were announced and presented besides the mayor and the Chief of Police in the front. The camera got a glimpse of the special invites, as Commander Hicks made a cameo appearance. Other officials, agents and personnel were presented.

"Luca, can you turn it up a bit?" Deacon asked

Luca went for the controller and turned the volume on as the newscaster was beginning the report.

"Good morning to everyone and thank you for joining us as we interrupt our regular programming to bring you a special conference from City Hall. Members of congress, along with the mayor's office, the governor and many other top officials have gathered to present what they promise will be the first major step in fighting mass gun violence in our city. Chief Vargas will be addressing the audience about a new task force that will be  part of a pilot program to commence here in our city. According to government sources, the ultimate goal is to have several units of this task force across the US. An official interviewed said, It will be a major step into improving the security and safety of our people and if successful here in LA it will mean an immense prestige..."

As the reporter continued, the officers became restless. Everybody was cheering for their own, as they looked for their teammate in the crowd. She was nowhere to be seen.

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