Chapter 1: Visons of the Past Pt.1

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Raxus, a Separatist planet; yet so peaceful. Ashoka thought back to the little glimpses of her time as a child before the Jedi Order, before the war. So peaceful. Yet, she was not here for sightseeing, but to learn a thing or two about politicians. In which her only experiences other than Padmé of course were the few she would encounter on missions. This is a mission, but different in a way. She was here with Padmé to meet a friend of the senators'  Mina Bonteri. She believed all politicians on the Separatist side followed blindly and without courage to Count Dooku. Mina would try to break the padawans bias opinions on them, but to no avail. While Mina and Padmé caught up in another room, out in the courtyard Ashoka spotted a boy, her age, or at least that is what the young padawan assumed soley based off of his dark brown hair, and his teenage-like build. She was intrigued so she went to speak to him, step by step headed to the courtyard, leaving the palace, the fresh aromas filled the air, she was going to play it cool as earlier, she had scoffed at the boy when he had offered to take her bags for her, at his mothers' request. Giving a Tano statement "I can handle it" then walking off with the attitude and grace that Ashoka always carried confidently. She not realizing that this attracted Lux made him take a second glance. So as she walked ever so gracefully down the courtyard stairs, he breaks the ice, noticing her sabers hanging by her left hip, and saying "you're a Jedi aren't you?" So she responds calmly "Yes, why do you ask?" This carries into a conversation Lux stating "before the war I was always taught that Jedi were good..." In which caught Ashoka off guard only asking "Now?" For him to quickly reply "I don't know anymore, there are a lot of terrible things happening, a lot of killing, and now my friends are saying. The Jedi are to blame." Ashoka taken a back "I'm the first Jedi you've ever met aren't I?" So Lux muttering "um...well...yes" Ashoka smiles, turns to him crossing her arms and asking "well not so bad am I?" Lux glaring and studying her body bottom to top and being as slick as he can "No, not bad at all" this response leads for another Tano statement "well it seems boys are the same Republic or Separatist" She walked off and he chased her asking her how many separatist she had met in which she said "none other than generals" where he would save this first impression by asking her the question he had been given earlier "well not so bad am I?"

{ Hello there, so this was just an introduction for our two main characters and just a little recap of the first time they met, my writing style is completely different from this but to keep it as true to the clone wars original this is what I had to do, so here's the plan,,,, story is gonna do something I feel like I haven't seen in other Luxsoka books, we're gonna take a trip down Star Wars galaxy history, we're gonna bring Lux and Ashoka together of course, but we're gonna be visiting a few old republic planets, learn secrets of the galaxy as Lux and Ashoka try to find their place in this universe. We are gonna try to stick to canon until order 66 is executed and then that's where I'm gonna get creative. I believe Ashoka has the potential to be a giant threat to the Empire but not as a Jedi. Because well "she is no Jedi" Oh fun fact ( Ashley Eckstein actually wrote that little quote on a artist proof 1 of 3 concept arts for the final season of the clone wars by one of the art designers on the season that I bought, when I got to meet her in real life. And I promise she's literally the nicest person ever, I now have that same concept art with her signature and everything hanging on my nerd wall in which can also be called my bedroom walls. If you ever want to see it just drop the comments) So onto the adventure!!!!}

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