Chapter 19: The Headquarters

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Lux would awake first, he felt something or rather someone snuggled in his arms. He smiled at this, remembering her falling asleep the night before. He kissed the top of her lekku, awakening her.

Ashoka woke up to the feeling of a warm embrace around her. She smiled at this. "Good morning Lux." She said quietly, in a sort of whisper.

"Good morning beautiful." He hugged her tight. Savoring every moment they spent together. Enjoying and prolonging every feeling of every second.

"You ready to go follow the trail of this mysterious outlander." She giggled. Amused by the fact they were chasing a Jedi folk story they were told about as younglings, about this Jedi, who didn't follow all Jedi paths, that killed a very powerful Sith Lord at the time, that then transferred his body into another that he had waiting, this Sith having an entire empire at his disposal, where this Jedi with the power of the force killed him. They were always told that it was the light side of the force, but as she delves deeper, she has a sense that is not all true. Like all folklore and myths. There is truth to them, but as they get passed down by generations of people these stories twist.

"I guess so." He says with a sly smirk across his face, stepping up, placing his hand outwards so Ahsoka can use him to lift herself up. She places her hand in his, and like always every time she would touch him, it would send butterflies to his stomach. He felt a rush of peace pass through him, a rush of love, affection, tenacity, and courage. When she touched him, he felt he could take the whole galaxy on with his hands tied behind his back. She made him feel strong and brave.

Every time she would touch Lux she felt a connection with the force in him. She couldn't explain it, he wasn't force sensitive, but when his mind thought about her, she could feel power in him. Strength that the Jedi would never know what to do with. Power that would make the Sith tremble before him. She couldn't explain it.

The two head to a dock looking out seeing a giant building across a gap. This building was dark, it was monstrous, Ahsoka could feel the dark energy around it. She could sense an energy glowing, radiating light side power on the inside. She points straight ahead. "There"

Lux looks around. "Uh Soka-"

"Yes?" She answers calmly.

"How are we supposed to get over there? Ya know without plummeting to our deaths." He asks with a shrug of his shoulders, and a raise of his brow.

"The force is with us Lux, I can feel it." She says closing her eyes placing her hand out to the depths, palm facing down. Energy surging through her. Rocks appear, she puts them together piece by piece as she did her lightsaber many years ago.

"How the actual kriff? He says in pure shock seeing a bridge of rocks appear to him her placing them together piece by piece.

She opens her eyes. "It is done."

She takes his hand intertwining their fingers together, walking him across to the Sith sanctum.

She feels the force around her. Filled with hate, anger, fear, all signs of the dark side. An energy overcomes these fears, but as Lux's fingers begin to slip these energies return. So, she closes the void, holding him tighter.

Lux did not know why nor did he care why Ahsoka was holding him tighter than before. He was not going to complain about a moment where he was holding the hands of her. He loved every grasp of the air with her.

"I feel something in him". A voice whispers to Ahsoka.

"What are you talking about?" Ahsoka asks out loud.

"What was that Soka?" Lux asks as the enter the doors of the sanctum.

"Nothing sorry." She responds. She talks to herself knowing what's speaking to her is not in the physical plains of existence. "You're here. The sister." Ahsoka thinks.

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