Chapter 9: Saving the Senator

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Reaching out in the force, Ahsoka felt him. She saw him. She could feel his emotions radiating off of him. His fear, his worry, but not for himself, she searched further. His worry was for her, for her life.

Lux felt something around himself, a peacefulness. He looked around his cell, but there was nothing there. "Ahsoka-" he whispered.

She saw looking around then he spoke her name. "How does he know im around him in the force?" she would think to herself.

Lux knew she was there, but she wasn't. "Is this the force?" that answered if for him. She was looking for him, could she hear him, he would question. "Ahsoka, I don't know if you can hear me. I don't know much right now, but I know this. Maul knows you are planning some sort of attack through the pipes. Be careful. I have something I need to tell you- I care so deeply about you, so please make it to me."

She felt a loving tone radiate off of him, she could hear him. This information of Maul knowing was not gonna change plans. If she learned anything from Anakin is that to follow your gut instincts. "He cares deeply?" She would murmur. She shook this off, no time to think about what he meant. She had to save him and she knew he was alive, shaking any doubt that the soldier had mentioned.

"He's alive, and there's no one near him. They know we're coming which we can use to our advantage." She announced to the troops. The troops would all share a look. "How do you know no one is around him?" Rex asked her. "I reached out in the force to him, I felt him, I could see what he could see, I could feel what he could feel." Ahsoka responded. "You continue to impress me commander." Rex shook his head in disbelief. "Time to move out, time to end this and get the mandos their home back!" She yelled. "These aren't tinnies men, these are living beings so be empathetic, unarmed people are to be restrained but not harmed. Let's go!"

They would head into the tunnels. Encountering waves of maul's forces, but their plan was holding strong. The clones and Katan's forces were distracting the troops to the point Katan and Ahsoka had little to no resistance, walking into the prison Ahsoka searched for Lux, she felt his presence around one cell, but he wasn't there. She reached out in the force like she did earlier searching for Lux. "Found him-" She felt a coldness a darkness around him. "Maul!" This angered her. "This way!" She commanded to Bo. They both sprinted to where Ahsoka felt Lux. Revealing two giant doors, doors she recognized as the throne room. She could feel this darkness radiating more than ever. They slowly walked through.

Walking through Ahsoka instantly noticed Lux sitting in the middle of the room on his knees, hands tied, looking down. A manic laughter echoed through the room as Lux was lifted in the air, his face in obvious distress, his hands reaching for his neck. He was being choked. "Put him down Maul!" Ahsoka screamed. This caused the Sith to laugh. He did as she said releasing him. She ran to his side. Lux coughed, grasping for air. Stuttering on his own words "A-A-Ahsoka. I-I- Love-" He passed out. This angered the young exiled padawan. "You'll pay for that Maul." She trembled looking up at Maul.

"You and I are alike young one" Maul said sitting in his throne. "We are nothing alike, you are a cold blooded murderer." She responded regaining her composure, standing. "We are outcasts. Me by my master, you by your order. The Jedi and Sith have lost their way. They are more alike than even they will admit." This statement from Maul reminded Ahsoka of Barriss. Was Barriss right. "The Sith are evil-" Ahsoka responded. "Yes and the Jedi are misguided, lost through their own arrogance. Join me, we can take my master down. I expected for the Jedi to send Skywalker so I could strike my masters prized pupil down, but pulling the strings my master always is. We can kill him together, we can end the Jedi and the Sith and rule the galaxy together. Join me padawan." Ahsoka considered it. The Jedi had betrayed her. Maul knew who the Sith Lord was, they could end this war once and for all. She then thought back to her master. "No, I will never join you. I will capture you and you will pay for your crimes." Ahsoka stood stoically. "I will kill Skywalkers apprentice then." He laughed loudly standing, jumping closer to her, igniting his lightsaber. "I sense anger in you, and angers not a way of the Jedi."

"You should know by now im no ordinary Jedi" Ahsoka says forcing her lightsabers into her hands. Maul leaped at her striking for her head, she blocked him, sliding under his sabers, onto a knee before hopping up. They would meet each others every move. She had to surprise him think back on her teachings. Using her emotions she forced pushed him a few inches away launching her shoto at him, he blocked sending it back her way she caught it, jumping in the air doing a 360 side spin at him throwing the shoto at the ground using the force to make it bounce at his blade so she could cleanly slice the lightsaber he held in half. Before jumping backwards and putting her chin up. "You're lucky my master didn't show up, with the way you're fighting you wouldn't have lasted long" A cocky smile crept her face. He lunged at her she turned her sabers off putting them at her side, fell to her back, kicking him in the stomach, launching him out the window. She looked at Bo who was helping Lux up as he woke. "Get him to the ship this won't last much longer"

Ahsoka would follow Maul out the window meeting him under a ship pad, on the railings. "It's over Maul" She yelled pointing a lightsaber at him. Feeling a darkness in her mind. Something was happening in the force, but she couldn't focus on that right now. "You feel it too, my masters plan is happening." She would duel him on the railings before he cut one end of the railing she was standing on, then the other side. She had to think fast. She leapt up behind him kicking him down, he began to free fall. She reached out catching him with the force. Maul screamed "NOOOOOOO JUST KILL ME I DO NOT WANT TO FACE HIS WRATH!" Before getting stunned by the covering gunships. "You are beaten."

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