Chapter 18: Kaas City

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Ahsoka punches in the coordinates to a baron Sith world, one long since forgotten by many in the galaxy. The ship jumps into hyperspace but as this planet was on the far reaches of the outer rim they had a while so Ahsoka began walking to the lounging area of the ship where she will find Lux.

Lux was reading from one of the original conscripts of the Jedi order, he was deeply fascinated. He felt something tell him of a presence coming to him, so he got up goes to the door and it opens revealing Ahsoka about to open the door. "Hello beautiful." He speaks first. "Had a feeling you were coming to me." He says giving her a kiss.

"How did you know I was gonna be right here?" She asks confused on the aspect. She knew for a fact Lux was not force sensitive as she sensed nothing in him, but somehow he basically explained to her that he had a sense she was going to be standing there. She also knew that humans had no affliction to a sixth sense of sorts or anything so it put the two both into a state of wonder, but she didn't come to see him for that reason. "You wanna do something while we wait to get to Dromand Kaas?" Ahsoka asks playfully.

"We could make out, or cuddle, or do anything else couples normally do on a ship with just them." He suggests. "We really should think about getting some hobbies if we're going to be on this ship a lot" He laughs realizing his life is on a ship now.

"Well I for one have began gathering flora from the planets we travel to, and begin and little collection, putting them over there." She points to a wall, where she has already planted a little plant with yellow leaves, and a flower he recognizes from the waterfall he took her to.

"You got something from Onderon?" He asks.

"Yeah, I got it so you feel like apart of your home is always with you." She says peacefully giving him a kiss.

"I'm thinking my hobby is going to be staring at you all the time as I can't keep my eyes off of you." He pulls her in about to lay a passionate kiss on her lips, right until the hyperdrive alert goes off letting them know that they are about to jump out of hyperspace. He sighs.

Ahsoka heads to the cockpit. Sitting down, the ship comes out of hyperspace, before revealing a dark blue and purple planet, she can tell from the outside look of it that it's storming. "This is going to be fun to land in." She jokes to herself. She announces through the speakers, "Lux you may want to get strapped in. This might get bumpy." She approached the planet, getting in its atmosphere, upon entering the planet, she felt a rush of dark side energy rush to her, but it blocked off, unlike on Mortis when it had entered through her, something was defending her against this and she believed it to be the Sister. "Thank you" She whispered knowing things in the force are truly never really gone, but around them at all times. The lightning on this planet was like none other, it was one of the scariest planets she had ever been to. It seemed the lightning only got worse as they got closer to the ground, but the force was clearing a path for them. She flew the ship above any trees, looking for a sign of an old city, she finally found one, entrapped in walls. She called for Lux to the pit. "Hey what exactly does this Kaas City exactly look like?" She asks him.

"Well I know that the old Sith Empire everything looked more like a war base than an actual city. So, I guess it should look like, it was occupied, but not on purpose." He explained. He set down as they both looked around. He pointed to an area northeast of them. "There that looks like what the history holo's say it used to look like."

Ahsoka lands the ship in an open area that has buildings that were only one story around them. "This place seems so gloomy, how the kriff could anyone ever live here?" She asks as they step out the ship.

"I don't know Soka, but I have a bad feeling about this place-" As he said that they had gotten farther into the city, but the storms got a hundred times worse. "There is shelter" He says pointing to a building that had a blast door they could easily get through. They both run there hot wiring the door with it opening they walk through. It was dark, but it was protected. "It seems like it was an old cantina of sorts." They walked through what they thought as the main entrance of this place revealing dancing poles. "I stand correct then."

"Well while we're here. I guess I can practice my pole skills." She smirks sharing a laugh with him. Knowing he would love to see that, she hops up onto the podium and pretends in a mocking way to dance around the pole. This grants a smile out of him, even on this dark baron moon they found a way to laugh. "Hey look a bar!" She exclaims, force hopping from the podium to the bar. "You think this stuff is still good?" She asks.

"I know that alcohol doesn't age if untouched. So I guess if it's not open then yes?" He questions his response. "Why do you ask?" He asks.

"Well the way this storm is, we'll be in here for a while." She says as she finds a bottle of looking at the label. "Kaas City imperial rum. Hmm? Wanna try it with me?" She smiles shaking the bottle in his face. He nods agreeing to try it. She makes them both a drink. They both try it. "Ugh." She scrunches her face up. "This is gross." She looks to him.

"It's actually not that bad considering it's a few thousand years old" He laughs loudly. He goes to where the band would play. "You think they have power here?" He asks her.

"I wouldn't see why not." She travels to the backrooms and finds a breaker box flipping it all on the place lights up. "Ta Da!" She exclaims, doing a twirl and bow. "Let there be light." She smiles.

He presses a button on the old computers. The place begins playing music, slow, really old music. He puts out his hand. "May I have this dance Ahsoka Tano." She obliges and they begin dancing close to each other. She rests her head on his chest and he rest his chin a top her lekku. They slowly dance in tempo with each other, her hearing his heart beat every few moments.

"Thank you for coming with me Lux." She says quietly.

"I'll travel the galaxy with you if it's the rest of my life." He responds back

The two dance the night away falling asleep in a booth nearby, her in his arms.

-------------------------------------------------Somewhere else in the Galaxy---------------------------------------

"Sir there's been a show that on an ancient world long forgotten, power has been turned on." A man in black explains to a tall slender Pau-an man.

"Jedi would never go there. None the less. Send the Sixth brother to investigate."

A:N//// K here we go some drama. another cute little Luxsoka moment in there. I promise things are gonna start getting real serious in their relationship I just really wanna show the bond between the two and how strong it is. How deeply in love they are with each other. But what does Ahsoka hope to find on this planet hmm? Guess you'll have to wait and see.

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