Chapter 2: Visions of the Past Pt.2

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"This is a no combat mission! Are we understood Skywalker?" Mace Windu exclaimed. Anakin and Ashoka would give each other a look causing both to stifle laughs.

Anakin and Ashoka were being assigned to Onderon to train and mentor the rebels planet-side. They were briefed and in full detail were told to not engage in combat once so ever, as that would put the planet in the middle of a war zone.

Anakin, Ashoka, and Captain Rex arrived planet-side to where they were greeted by a young man Ashoka had known all too well. Ashoka with this information was the first to speak, "Lux!!" she said while smiling and waving. This would lead to Anakin and Rex sharing a look of knowing to each other. "You know this kid Snips?" Anakin asked. This question would cause a few fond memories for Ashoka. She and the young senator had a secret 'mission' but not really a mission just someone helping out an ally. This 'mission' was one in which Ashoka had saved the young senator from making some stupid choices, inevitably leading to her saving him from Death Watch. In the process though, a totally unplanned thing had happened for Ashoka and Lux. They had shared a kiss, it was to cover up as they were pretending to be in a relationship for cover reasons. Little did they know that this 'kiss' would spark something in the both of them.

This being the first time since the senator and the young Jedi knight had seen each-other. Lux had heard the news the Republic was sending two Jedi Knights and a Clone commander to assist the rebels on the planet. He later found out that one of these 'jedi' were none other than Ashoka Tano.

"Hey Ashoka!" Lux said happily. "I heard you were one of the Jedi generals that the council were sending, and I wanted to be here to personally greet you!" Smiling. Ashoka would glance upon him as he did the first time they met, eyeing him bottom to top. While doing this she had noticed how much he had grown. He was always attractive, but maybe it was the kiss or just time, but Ashoka had seen him in another light. Noticing features she hadn't before. His smile, always flashy and perfect, but brighter, more sincere this time. His eyes, bright, glossy, a shade of hazel, shining in the Onderonion sun. Even his body language, something had changed in him. He carried himself more confidently, as the first time they met, she had called him out saying he was like other boys. "Were these traits always here?" She asked herself. In a way she was attracted. "It couldn't happen" She thought. Yet it could.

Ashoka like her master looked at the Jedi code as more of a 'guideline' rather than set in stone rule. As in her mind, how was a Jedi meant to have compassion, yet no emotion? Ashoka was in her head not even seeing the young woman standing beside the young senator. "I'm Steela! Steela Gurrera." This statement brought Ashoka's attention off of Lex who was still staring her in the eyes smiling. She noticed Steela, the way she looked at Lux. She was beautiful, she was a little dirty of course, nothing that wasn't unexpected as she was a rebellion fighter for Onderon. Her eyes were big and bright had a sense of peace and passion to them. She looked at Lux with those eyes. Ashoka then felt something in herself. A sense of disgust.

"Ashoka why do you care if another woman looks at Lux. We're just friends. Plus it could never happen. Jealousy is not the way of the Jedi" she told herself repeatedly. Anakin speaking repeated her name. "Steela Gurrera...Gurrera, as in Saw Gurrera?" Ashoka would notice Lux smirk and smile at Steela. Again, feeling a sense of disgust, except this time it was noticeable to the others. "You okay Soka?" Lux would ask. Ashoka was brought back to the real world. "Oh yes, sorry must be like hyperspace sickness or something" Clearly lying. Rex would interrupt. "Excuse me sir but we have a mission to complete here, we are meant to meet Saw." Anakin nodded. "Yes Rex is right, Ashoka why don't you catch up with ah Lux here, and Stella why don't you introduce us to Saw. The sooner we get you rebels trained the better chances of winning your home back!" Ashoka smiled. "Okay skyguy! If you say so." Saluting at him, in a joking way basically mocking her master. "Snips do that again and you'll be working guard duty in the temple's library." Anakin said in a serious manner, yet Ashoka knew he was joking.

Lux looked at the three speaking. "Well that sounds like a plan! C'mon Soka!" The two would walk off, as Stella would look back. A tone of obvious jealousy on her face. "Alright so where is this Saw, Steela?" Anakin asked her. In which she would quickly snap into reality saying "Right this way!"

Look Im going to be honest... I never liked Steela so im not gonna stick on this long :) anyways hope you enjoyed the second chapter.

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