Chapter 5: The Council

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"Well since you asked, I'm here to re-join the order-" Ashoka lied. "We both know that's a lie padawan. What are you really doing here?" Obi-wan asked again. "Lux was kidnapped, and I need help getting to mandalore, so I can rescue him" She started. "No, that's a Senate matter, the Jedi cannot intervene." He stopped her. "Master with all do respect, it's both a senate and Jedi matter. Don't shut down my idea." She fought. "I'm listening young one." Obi-wan said. "Darth Maul took over mandalore, correct?" She asked. "Correct-" he answered. "Well Maul is a Jedi matter, Lux is a senate matter, why don't the Jedi take out two wombats with one blaster shot?" She implied. "Are you suggesting a siege of mandalore Ashoka?" The master asked as if it seemed ridiculous. "I am. Since I know the Jedi forces are spread then. I wanted to volunteer myself, to lead a battalion to save the senator." "It's been so long Ashoka, and I'm behind you, but this would be a council decision." He said rubbing his chin. "Master I know, that's why I'm here. I know the risks also. In the process I will capture Maul and bring him here to the order for the council to decide what to do with him." She stated. "I will call the council to meeting" Obi-wan said, trusting the young woman's plan. "Maul is rather hard to kill and even to capture, I will let you know. Are you sure you're up to it?" He preached. "Always master. Always." 

"A presence in the force I sense. One not forgotten." Yoda spoke. The doors to the council chambers opened revealing Ashoka. The Majority of the masters were in hologram as this was rather sudden and most were off planet. Anakin being one of them. "Ashoka-" He said with a smile on his face. "What are you doing here citizen Tano?" Mace asked with determination. "As you know senator Bonteri has been kidnapped by mandalorians and brought there to Maul. I was going to go myself and sneak my way on planet, but I don't have the credits-" being interrupted by an old friend. "Ashoka we do not give out credits to citizens, you know that" Plo Koon spoke. "That's not what I'm here for masters. I came here in hopes that the order would send me. I can get the senator and in the process capture Maul for the order. All I would require is a battalion of clones, and lightsabers of course."

The council all gave each other looks, Anakin was behind the idea voicing that, and she already had Obi-wan behind her. Mace crossed his fingers. Yoda looked on the ground pondering. Master Fisto smiled. "Risky this mission is young one-" Yoda spoke. "I know master and I know the risks. I thought it best be me that went as the Jedi order is spread too thin, I have the training. I know I can do it masters. I can bring in a member of the senate, and I can bring in a Jedi threat, that could help end this war with information he has." Ashoka begged the council. "It's not the Jedi way to send a citizen into a matter of war." Mace told her. "With all do respect Master Windu, I am not some mere citizen. I was once a Jedi." She countered his argument point. "Right you are young one." Yoda agreed. "If she is willing to do this and she's knows the risks, I see no reason why we as the council should not allow it." Obi-Wan added. "Please masters I wouldn't have come here, come somewhere where everyone is this room where no one had my back, if I didn't think I could do this. My master always taught me-" Ashoka started. "If you believe you can do it and you believe in yourself, then you can." Anakin continued her sentence. "If Snips believes she can do it, then she has my support." Anakin said siding with her. "Agree with Anakin I do masters." Obi-Wan added. "Ashoka has proven time and time again she's more than capable I vote to send her." Plo said causing a smile upon Ashoka's face. "Hmm, high the risks are, but the force leads me to send you young one." Yoda added. The grandmaster had made his choice now it was up to the chancellor whether to send in troops or not. "Meet with Padmé Ashoka, she will argue for you to palpatine." Anakin insisted.

Padmé would argue Ashoka's plan to the chancellor. "All she would require is a battalion of clone soldiers." Padmé said to the chancellor. "I approve this, on account that Maul is captured and brought to justice, for his crimes against the Republic" Palpatine said. "I assure you she can get the job done chancellor" Padmé would thank him and walk out his chambers to Ashoka.

"This interrupts things, Anakin will want to go with her." Palpatine would call general grievous. "Capture the Chancellor you will General." General Grevious would cough. "As you wish my lord" They would end the transmission.

K here we go! It's been like 3 years since I wrote an action packed chapter let's see if I can do it. Until next time then I guess :) Hope you enjoyed! :)

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