Chapter 17: Tython, Home of the Jedi

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The two newly happy couple came out of the overpassing hyperspace to an even more immaculate sight. It was a planet of blue and green. The blue was bright, the green was fluorescent, there was bits and pieces of white here too, representing clouds. Ahsoka had always heard stories of the homeworld, but never visited it herself.

"This place is stunning Soka. Why would the Jedi leave here for Courscant?" Lux asked confused as to why would they leave such an awe inspiring beauty for a bustling world filled with corruption.

"Now that you mention it. I don't know. This place beams energy from the lightside." She pondered as to why they leave. "I guess the answer might be there. From what I know there's an ancient temple on the planet, located near a village and spaceport." Ahsoka said.

They headed to the planet, noticing that the view from space didn't do this place justice. They saw plentiful of trees, there were even animals everywhere some flying. This planet had truly gone untouched. "If the Jedi took such care in protecting this place, why would they leave it?" Ahsoka would ponder. They eventually saw the Ancient Jedi Temple, it was a stone texture as the one on Coruscant except this one, had yellow banners hanging from it, signaling that it was from the old republic era.

"Land there" Ahsoka ordered peacefully to Lux pointing to a spot near the temple. They both left the ship. Looking around, looking up at the temple. "It's so simple. Like the Jedi used to be. Before they were war generals." Ahsoka said bitterly.

"Don't forget your history lessons Soka the Jedi were war generals before. Back when the galaxy had as many Sith as they did Jedi, when there was a Sith Empire. Many believe if there were no Jedi there would be no Sith and there would be no war." Lux explained.

"They may be right, let's go check this place out." Ahsoka said.

The two walked to the stairs heading into the temple. "Where do we start?" Lux asked. "Well as Jocasta Nu taught me, the majority of answers you seek you'll find in the library." Ashoka answered.

"Right you are on that one Ahsoka." A voice spoke, quiet, put together, old, but a tone of fear behind it. The two both looked up in shock to the voice, not expecting anyone to be here.

"Master Jocasta?" Ahsoka said in shock. Hugging the former librarian. "I thought all the Jedi were gone!" Ahsoka smiled seeing someone was still alive. "I made it out, but there's something you must know-"Jocasta began. "I sense a fear in you master?" Ahsoka asked sensing it. "A fear of me?" Ahsoka was confused at this point, but why.

"Ah you're empathy has always been strong in the force Yoda used to say. Yes, I was afraid that someone else would show up." Jocasta said. "Who Master?" Ahsoka asked. "Your master." Jocasta spoke coldly. "Why would you be afraid of Anakin?" Ahsoka asked another question confused more than ever.

A tear struck down Jocasta Nu's face. "You don't know." She sniffled another tear. "Anakin led a battalion of the 501st legion into the temple murdering hundreds of Jedi, including younglings. He made it to the Library, where he faced Master Shaak Ti. She told me to leave, and she held him off for as long as she could. He killed them all young one." Jocasta said sadly remembering all those who lost their lives that dreadful day. "He would never." Ahsoka couldn't grasp this information. "What about master Obi-Wan, he would never let Anakin do such a thing." Ahsoka tried to find some stability.

Lux hugged Ahsoka who was taking this information in. "He turned to the dark side like none other Ahsoka. I was scared because I thought that it was him. I am glad to see your face and that you survived. The Jedi are spread thin now with no way to communicate, but I came here to learn. I have learned a little and can teach you as much as I know." Jocasta placed a hand on her shoulder and led the two, to the library in the temple. It was tiny in comparison to Courscant, but it was simple. "What is it you seek young one? What answers do you wish to seek?" The old master asked.

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