Chapter 16: The Star Map

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It was the morning that Lux must leave his home, but after the night he and Ahsoka had, he felt more and more comfortable flying across the galaxy with her, she was beginning to feel like home for him. He knew that they were still early into their relationship, but last night almost trickled into something big. She almost gave herself to him, and he the same. He was falling hard for her, and he liked it. 

"Time to get up handsome." Ahsoka spoke peacefully, sitting on top of Lux. "Do we have to?" He groaned. "Yes, but last night made me want to stay. Maybe when this is all over we can return, and have a life here." She looked out his window overlooking the seemingly never ending forests of Onderon. "I'll follow wherever you take us Soka." He came up behind her wrapping his arms around her stomach kissing her neck, she moaned a quiet whisper at this. "Lux we gotta go."  She turns around him pressing her nose to his. "Although there will be plenty of time to do that later." She ran her hand down his body feeling every trait on his toned figure. "Okay, I'll change really quick then." He pulled away his hand in hers, but she didn't let go. "Or you could just stay like that." She smirked, biting her lip, she loved seeing him shirtless. "No, I'm for your eyes only Soka." He kissed her cheek which he could feel the heat rising from, walking away and changing.

Ahsoka set down stairs waiting for Lux to be ready. He walked down the steps, and she could feel and uneasiness in him. "You okay Lux?" She asked worried about him. "Yeah, just taking one last look. I'm gonna miss this place you know. My mother used to lecture me in the kitchen about etiquette, and my father would teach me to fight in the living room. This place was theirs, and it was mine. It holds something in my heart, I'll miss it." A tear glistened in his pupils that he soon wiped away. "But not too much of that, we're gonna go find this balance in the force, and we're gonna find it together. We're gonna help the galaxy in any way we can. I'll take them with me. Their teachings, their love, and their determination." He walked over to Ahsoka planting a kiss on her picking her up. She gasped at this. He held her bridal style. "Just a question my lady." She smiled up at him. "What's the question?" He smiled back at her. "Will you be my girlfriend." He awaited an answer. "You know my answer to that why are you asking?" She asked confused. "It's the gentleman thing to do, my mother would have expected it." He responded respectfully. "Well in that case yes, but you knew my answer you just wanted to here me say it" She pressed up kissing his cheek. "Now since you're already carrying me like this, take me to the ship Senator." She demanded playfully. "I'm not a senator anymore Soka". He did as she said walking to the ship. "You're right. So what are you?" She asked. "I'm Lux Bonteri, luckiest boyfriend in the galaxy to be with such a stunning woman like yourself Ahsoka Tano." She blushed. 

They made it to the ship and he let her walk on her own feet. "That reminds me, what are we gonna call ourselves in public, because technically speaking. Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri died from a ship crash. I have mine, but what about you Lux?" He pondered for a moment thinking of a name. "What about Iziz?" He looked at her. "The city?" Ahsoka asked stunned by the option. "Trust me Iziz is only well known on Onderon the rest of the galaxy would just assume it as my name." He backed his thought up. "Plus it gives me one last connection to my home world." He smiled. "Okay Iziz, sounds good to me. I'm Ashla, your betrothed." She smiled, giving them the new idenities. "Betrothed? Like on Carlac?" He giggled remembering their mission on Carlac. "Yes just like on Carlac except this time, if you surprise kiss me, I'll kiss back." He blushed at that. "My dream come true then." He kissed her for a moment and they headed to the the star map in the cockpit. 

They both looked at the map for a few minutes Ahsoka feeling the force letting it guide her. She placed her finger somewhere in the core regions. "There." Is all she had to say. "Ashoka that's in the core regions. This Galactic Empire will be all over it." She shook her head. "No not this place. This is Tython, the Jedi Order's birthplace. Only Jedi know of it, and the force is the only place that can lead you there, and in this case the force calls to me as this is the first stop of many." She said determined as he punched in the coordinates. "Whatever you say, I will follow you." She set down buckling herself in. "Prepare for light speed." He joked. She held his hand. "Let's do this!" A smile spreading across her face excited for this adventure through the force with a man who she thought to be the funnest person to be around since Anakin. 

A:N// Well here we go guys time to travel the galaxy in search of balance in the force will Ahsoka find the answers on these planets or must she face something dark to discover the truth??????? Anyways, Enjoy!!!!

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