Chapter 13: Onderon Pt.2

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The room was bright. It was the Jedi council chambers."You're a failure Ahsoka. My failure." Anakin screamed. "The Jedi's fall is your fault." Mace Windu said from across the room. "Left us to die. Left us to save yourself." Anakin beckoned back to her. "Failed us, you have, padawan Tano." Yoda said disappointed. Everything flashes to a different room. "You'll never be enough for him." Steela spoke a disgusted sight she made on her face.

"Ahsoka you are good, you are everything the Jedi wished they could've been, but they were so wrapped up in war. Blinded by the powers of evil. You are balanced, unlike them." A bright figure emerged in these nightmares of Ahsoka's past. It was the daughter of Mortis. "You must search the worlds in the galaxy, learn the prophecy of the chosen one, learn to balance yourself in the force. Empower yourself young one. You have my strength now, do good in the galaxy, for there is no dark side nor a light side, only the force. You must trust in the force, let it guide you. Find the truth of the galaxy learn of the Sith's master plan, the chosen one was never your master. Find the hope left in the galaxy, travel the stars. Then you will find the balance. Go before it is too late!" The daughter insisted.

Again the bright dream turned to a hellish state, fire burning around her, screams of agony, scream of torture. A heavy breathing became audible. "You have failed the Jedi you have failed me" The suited man with heavy breathing demanded before stabbing her in the stomach.

Ahsoka woke up screaming "NO!" She was sweating. She was terrified. "Who was this person?" She would ask herself trying to come up with an answer. She could still hear the screams, the cries, the pain, she felt it all she began to tear up. "What is this?" She asked herself frightend. Lux would appear at her door. "Soka you okay?" He would ask walking to her. "I heard you scream and now you're crying wha-what happened?" He asked pulling her in for a hug. She felt a calmness rush over her, she didn't want to lie to him, there was no point. "I had terrible nightmares, I felt pain and agony all around me, the Jedi blamed me for the downfall of them, told me I could've saved them from defeat, it was my fault. Then a man in a dark suit was breathing heavily, saying I failed the Jedi, but that I failed him. Before he stabbed me killing me." Lux took a deep breath. "I know I don't know a lot about what happened, but it sounds like you're grieving Soka, the Jedi were slaughtered by the thousands, there is nothing you could've done. It also sounds like you still hold onto the Jedi kicking you from the order, and that you think had you rejoined the order the Jedi would still be around. You're strong Ahsoka, but no one could have prevented that. Not you, not Anakin, not Obi-Wan, not even Grandmaster Yoda. The Jedi's fall was pre-meditated by the Sith Lord you all looked for, for years." He placed his thumb on her cheek. Kissing her lekku, then speaking again. "He destroyed the republic, the Jedi, and the separatist, in one fell sweep. He deceived us all. You didn't fail the Jedi, they failed themselves." He kissed her lekku again. "Anything else I should know about beautiful?" She smiled, she knew he was right, there's nothing she could've done, if she had stayed, she would surely not be here in this moment with him right now. "Did I ever tell you about how I died on an Ancient force god world and was brought back to life by one of the force deity's that was the true embodiment of the light?" She laughed at the summary of the situation. His mouth opened wide to say something, but he just looked confused to her. All he could say was "No, haven't heard that joke yet." Smiling thinking she was joking. "No I'm being serious." She ruffled his hair. "Okay well what does that have to do with these nightmares?" He asked her trying to understand. "Well in between the two bad parts of the dream she appeared, saying that I must find the balance in the force, I must travel the stars." Ahsoka explained.  "So what I'm getting is that what we're gonna do?" Lux assumed. "Yes, and I think we need to travel to the ancient planets of the force, both Jedi and Sith ruled worlds from the Old Republic era, the answer to balance has got to be at one of those places right?" She explained to the shell shocked Lux. "I'm all for following you across the galaxy on a force chase, but isn't this going to be dangerous?" He smiled, rubbing his finger along her palm. "Yes and no." She said intertwining their fingers. "What do you mean yes and no?" He asked lifting his left brow a little. "Well yes, as this new government will be after any Jedi or ex-jedi im assuming since we are labeled traitors, but also no, because the planets we'll be going to have long been abandoned." She said kissing his cheek. "How old of the old republic are we talking Soka?" Lux asked very confused. "Hmm, like planets such as Tython, Dromand Kaas, and Korriban, etc. old" He looked more shocked than ever. "Ahsoka those planets are ancient, and you know like two that you just mentioned are terrifying." Lux explained trying to grasp the concept. "Well if you don't want to come, you don't have to." She said frowning. "I never said that, I told you earlier, I'm all up for traveling the galaxy by your side." He kissed her passionetly, breaking away soon after. "Just wanted to hear what I was getting myself into." He smiled. About to get up and walk away "Can you stay here for the night Lux. Like in my room with me?" She asked rather shyly. "I would love to." He replied, getting under the sheets, pulling her close. She smiled at this motion. "He's so protective." She thought.

A:N/// Had to get the (where is this story headed) somewhere in there so I punched it along with a bunch of LuxSoka moments, so enjoy :)

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