Chapter 4: The Order

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Ashoka woke up, from these visions. "Visions of the past?Why? Why am I having visions of Onderon, but most importantly Lux?" Ashoka questioned herself. "Master Yoda could explain these visions-" Then it hit her as she looked around to the slums called her apartment. "Ah right! I'm not a Jedi anymore." Remembering the ordeal of betrayal she felt. The way her so called 'best friend' betrayed, framed, and destroyed her. Barris. "Why didn't you take the olive branch Tano?" asking herself. "You could still be a Jedi, be with your friends, the only family you know. You could still be along side your Anakin, fighting with him to win the war." She said sadly, reminiscing the order.

Ashoka forced herself up. "Okay! another day as a civilian. You got this soka!" Stopping herself, on the last word she muttered. " 'Soka' that's what Lux always called you" Remembering him, and how they had grown so close on Onderon. How she had caught feelings for the handsome senator. Then remembering Stella and the rebels. How she blamed herself for everything that went down there, how her jealousy led to Stella's death. Or at least, that's what she made herself believe. Lux and her had grown a little apart after that. Lux didn't blame her for Stellas death, that's one of the cost of war. On the other side, Ahsoka couldn't blame herself more. "Snap out of it Tano! That's behind you. Purpose comes before feelings." Although she had left the order, she carried their teachings with her, especially Anakins.

She threw on her light blue jumpsuit. She was a speeder mechanic. As that was the only valuable skill she had in her arsenal to live a normal life. She could've gone like Ventress and become a bounty hunter as everything else she knew was intended for surviving war. Yet, hunting others for money was not the Jedi way. With the Jedi behind her, she would always think to herself "You don't have to follow the way of the order anymore-" Always catching herself. The Jedi were good, so she would continue to live her life as close to them as she could.

Heading to her job Ashoka began thinking about Lux more and more. His smile, his infectious smile, the way he said her name, the way he looked at her, the way he always had hope, the way his eyes would shine in the moonlight. Ashoka had no reason to throw her emotions out the window anymore. "Could it happen?" she thought. "No, after everything that happened with Stella, and I'm not a Jedi anymore. I can't just talk to him whenever I want to like I used to. I'm just a republic citizen now. It can't happen what were you thinking Ashoka?"

Walking into the building she's greeted by her co-worker "Good morning Ashla" the girl said excitedly. "Morning Rafa!' Ashoka said in response. "Anything new for me this morning?" Getting right to business "No business is slow today-" Rafa said. "Hey did you hear about the young senator that got kidnapped by mandolorians?" Rafa continued. "What senator?" worrying Ashoka was that it may be Lux. "Ah something Bonteri, this is his picture-" showing Ashoka the holo-net. "Handsome isn't he?" Rafa asking. "It's a shame-" not noticing that Ashoka was gone. "That's weird." Rafa ended.

Ashoka was gone. That was her friend. He had been kidnapped. What could she do? She had enough credits to live but to get a ship and investigate what happened, no. There was only one place she could rely on. The Jedi. The order. Taking a speeder to the Jedi temple, Ashoka hurried, worrying along the way. Why was this affecting her, she would ponder. Didn't matter a friend was in need of help. Arriving at the gate, which was guarded by Jedi guards in white. They interrupted her path. "Where do you think you're going?" the guard asked. "I have to speak to the council-" she spoke. "Only Jedi can speak to the council. You are not a Jedi. "Let her pass-" A Jedi from behind the guards spoke. "She may not be a Jedi, but she is always allowed back into the chambers." The Jedi was none other than Obi-Wan. They let her pass. "So why are you really here Ashoka?" Obi-wan asked.

I made a creative decision cuz as I stated I don't like writing about things that had already happened. I messed with canon a little bit, hope you don't mind :) I like to keep things more creative that's why I just could not do the whole onderonion thing. I'll most likely have characters mention it, but it will not be my priority. Hope you enjoyed :)

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