Chapter 8: The Senator

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"They never do Rex, they never do." She smirked saying the words so reminiscent of all their past battles they've fought together. Finally earning Rex's upmost respect remembering the words he spoke when he shut her cocky attitude down a youngling a long time ago "In my book, experience outranks everything." She and him were equals. She had the respect of all the clones she had fought beside for years. Now was the time to lead. Thinking of how far she had grown put a smile to her face. 

"Right you are Rex! They never change." With no time to spare she jumps back in to commander mode. "Now let's make a plan. We're here at the pipelines-" Ashoka said pointing at holomap directing Bo-Katan and Rex. "and to save the Senator, we'll have to make it to the main building-" hovering her index finger to another location far northeast of the pipeline location. "which is located in the the capitol city Sundari." The three would collaborate a few minutes before gathering the unison of troops at their disposal. 

"We're here and the location in which we will need to breach is Sundari" Ashoka began. "Which will be difficult to reach with all of us going in the same direction-" Katan continued. "Meaning we'll split into teams throwing off and separating their forces-" Ahsoka stated. "The commander will go with Bo Katan breaching the main building, saving the senator, while the rest of us will exit the pipes converging on Maul's troops-" Rex said commanding the combined forces "Mauldalorins if you will-" Ahsoka joked giving Maul's troops a name. This caused a joke among the troops easing the tension of the moment "We will want to be quick and precise." Ahsoka and Rex explained to the alliance finishing each other's sentences as equals. 

"Mandalorions were born and bred to fight, to battle. Generations of families passing down each others teachings, equipment, and trophies to their children. These families and clans have battled together for millennia, they will not be easy to kill nor capture. They fight by honor who ever is the 'Dar-manda' is in charge of these forces, I believe that if Ahsoka can capture or take out Maul, they will surrender. Most mandalorions would never, but this is a different case, as Maul only rules them based off of our codes of honor, they have no reason to fight for him. With him taken away, they will realize they are beaten. It's up to all of you to hold off the mauldalorions until then." Bo Katan spoke powerful, as a leader, putting in her input to all of the troops. 

                                       --------------------------Prison complex-------------------------

"Maul their plan is to strike through the pipes-" A supercommando informed the Sith. "Then we will strike at them!" Maul responded aggressively. Looking at Lux. "You ready to watch them die for you?" Walking away leaving the complex. Lux listens to super commandos guarding him conversate. "I was expecting more than one Jedi it's just a young torgruta-" Lux tuning this out speaking to himself. "No- it's Ahsoka..." At that moment the guard got orders turning to Lux mocking him "Hope you're ready for the show kid" The super commando then walked off laughing and putting his helmet on. Lux sat there, and he began to worry. "It can't be her, anyone but her" He began to think of the worst. "What if she dies? She'll die for nothing, she'll die getting me. Why did they send her?" His optimism would try to overpower these thoughts "Ahsoka is tough she can handle this. She's strong, she's brave, failure isn't an option for her." These thoughts lead to more for him "I never got to tell her how I feel. Tell her how perfect I thought she was. How sexy she looked when she would get protective of me. How I loved when she would tell me what to do, when she would lead me, the way she smiled, the way I felt about her." Determined he stood and began to pace. "You cannot fail Ahsoka, I won't lose you. This will not be the ending to your story."


"Any questions on the plan soldiers?" Rex asked looking around. A clone in the back would step forward, "Yes sir!" Rox notices this and motions for him to ask the question "Speak freely soldier." The clone takes this direction. "What if Maul has killed the Senator and we just waste our time getting there?" This question phases Ahsoka. She knew deep down the clone had a very valid question. What if they do all of this just for her to find out that the one thing she came to do, came to save, was gone. 

Ahsoka reached out in the force searching for the senator, looking for his life presence so she could answer the clones concern.

A/N: How are we feeling about it so far. I know the writing is sloppy, grammatically it's not the best, and it's a lot of he said she said going on and I apologize lmao it's been a good 3 years since I actually wrote so I'm really rusty with being descriptive and everything it'll get better as I continue to write more and more. But lmk what y'all think :) Hope you enjoyed.

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