Chapter 14: Onderon Pt.3

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Ahsoka woke the sun was beaming in the room she shuffled a little bit before sitting herself up she looked to her left seeing if the boy that had been with her last night was still there. He was not. She gets out of bed and heads to kitchen which was filled with an aroma that could be none other than breakfast. "Good morning beautiful!" Lux said coming from the stairs with a cup of caf. He was dressed in a comfortable, yet senator like attire. "I'm never going to get used to you calling me beautiful Lux." Ahsoka replied with a blush across her cheeks and a smirk. "You don't have to get used to it Soka, but that doesn't mean I'm ever gonna stop reminding you of the truth." He smiled walking to her kissing her cheek. "I made breakfast for you, I suggest you eat then change into something so we can head to the markets, and then go somewhere I want to take you before we head off on our force hunt." He laughed. Looking her up and down remembering she is just a shirt and her leggings, which even in such simple attire, she is the most beautiful woman in the galaxy to him. "You didn't have to make break-" She was cut off by a kiss. It tasted like cat, but she didn't mind his lips were on hers, and hers on his. "A lady deserves breakfast first thing in the morning, so yes I did have to." Lux said breaking from the kiss. She walked over to the plate he had prepared for her, it was so elegantly put together. In a way Ahsoka felt bad dragging Lux along across the galaxy, his life is so put together, she knew it was going to be hard for him to transition into a never ending adventure filled with danger from this life. Even if Lux wanted to do it she felt bad.

Lux eyed Ahsoka as she ate, taking a sip from his caf every few moments, never saying a word. "I sense you're thinking of something Lux." Ahsoka said breaking the silence. "Who me? Ha. No, just admiring the view." Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "Whatever Lux." She would finish up her food, about to get up before Lux takes her plate to the kitchen and cleans it. "I could've done it myself Lux." Ahsoka admiring how much gentleman he was. "I know, but I wanted to do it for you." He replied, a smile across his face. "Well now that you've eaten I suggest you change, although this outfit is a ten out of ten in the fashion world." He joked knowing it would humor her. The joke did in fact get a laugh out of the young torgruta. She walked to her room changed and grabbed a robe. "Well let's hope we don't get caught on day one." She smiled placing the hood above her lekku.


The courtyard was busy, the holo net was playing videos of the new government. A familiar figure appeared on the big screen in the middle of the town. Ahsoka knew his face, it was Palpatine. He looked scarred, older, uglier. "The Jedi betrayed us, after an attempt on my life, I had the traitors killed by the republic forces. With that, it is time for a new change, a new system. The Galactic Empire. It will serve all citizens, not just the republic and separatist but everyone. We will replace the clones." He showed a video of Kaminos cloning facility being fired at. Ahsoka gasped, but continued watching. "We will let citizens of the Empire enlist in an army, to replace the outdated clones. We will forget the old ways and move to bigger and better under my rule." The senators all cheered, but Ahsoka could sense something off about him, something evil, but she could not explain it.

"Enough of that nonsense. Hey Soka I think you'll look great in this." Lux picked an outfit up presenting it to her cutting her attention away from the chancellors speech. She looked at it, it was nice shade of grey. It had a belt, with a circle in between. The arm pieces were what got her though. They were just like her suit she had before leaving the order except they looked more grown up, they were looser. As if to be worn in casual settings, but she knew, this attire could make her blend in, but also could hold up in a fight. She liked it. "I actually really like that, how about I try it on first before you buy it for me handsome." She smiled walking to the changing room.

{For reference, literally live action Ahsoka's fit, but without the armor

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{For reference, literally live action Ahsoka's fit, but without the armor.}

She changed and walked out. He was in awe. She could pull off anything in his eyes. "You look beautiful." He said the words so confidently. "You always say that." Ahsoka said sheepishly. "And I mean it, so what do you think?" He asked her. "I like it, but it could use something." She looked around the store, noticing a matching grey robe." Lux noticed. "Let me guess a robe-" He giggled. "Yes how did you know?" She asked him. "You Jedi always think everything needs a robe" He whispered. This granted a laugh from Ahsoka. The two would buy her a pair of combat boots and some undergarments, and lounging clothes. With Lux carrying all the bags even though Ahsoka insisted. They headed to grab some groceries, buying food that would last. Food small enough they could store on the ship and hide it. They headed back to Lux's home.

"Well we're almost set. We'll leave tommorow morning" Ahsoka planned. "Can't wait, but first I wanna take you somewhere, call it like a date or something, tonight. I bought you something, just for tonight though. You know a last night to feel like everything's normal and we're not on the hunt for some force stuff." He smiled. Revealing a elegant green dress. "Lux-" She couldn't finish the sentence. "I know I know, but I wanted you to feel like not a Jedi not anything, but a normal woman, for tonight." She smiled at this gesture. "Well will you go on a date with me Ahsoka Tano?" He asked taking a bow. "Of course I will Lux, I would love to." She said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Before heading to her room to change.

She would come back out in the dress. She looked so perfect. Lux couldn't believe his eyes he knew the dress was pretty, but on her, it was the most elegant, and gracious piece of clothing ever. "Wow I-" He tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. "Don't call me beautiful, you're smart you can come up with a better word than that." She teased him. "I've never seen a woman so perfect, so annihilatingly out of this galaxy, none as gorgeous as you." Lux would grab her hand and lead her to a rupling he had waiting outside, taking her to the place he always envisioned taking the love of his life to. "Is she gonna be the one?" He asked himself.

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