Chapter 24: Zakuul Pt.1

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The ship burst from hyperspace alluring to a planet with spires coming from it's surface, placed next to a moon of bright orange, clouds fill the skies, patches of orange spread across the planet, in it's own way this unknown planet to her reminded her of her past on Coruscant.

"Woah!" Lux expresses. "I didn't know spires could go from the planet into space-" His eyes widening, looking closer.

"I've never seen anything like it." Ahsoka says peacefully, admiring the planets workmanship. She feels a pulse in the force radiating from the planet, a signature that she's never sensed before, more powerful than any force user she's met or learned about. A pulse telling her that this planet is ancient, that the force here works apart from the rest of the galaxy. It has it's own life here.

"Incredible isn't it?" A calm young well mannered voice that she recognizes says from behind her, Lux hears it too.

"You're the mysterious Jedi!" Ahsoka exclaims, not believing her eyes as of the moment.

"Yes. One of my many names I gained along many travels. I presume the Jedi have forgotten about me and who I am?" He motions to her a smirk upon his face.

"Only stories we'd hear, they only told them to express the power of the Jedi." She says reminiscent on her time as a padawan.

"My name was Cal'daran. I had many titles, battle master, Hero of Tython, The Outlander, The Mysterious Jedi, The Savior of Makeb, The Throne Breaker, and of course Jedi Master. The stories you have been told, I'm sensing have a truth to them, but as all stories, over time the story strays from the once told truth. I spent my life defending others, fighting the Sith. I thought I had defeated the emperor, and to that the Sith were thankful to me, but in the end we were enemies. When our emperor Vitiate died, it created a power vacuum in the galaxy. Little did any of us know, that our Emperor hadn't truly died, only converted his life form to another he had been preparing on this planet, a man named Valkorion. He had three children. He ruled, but not oppressively, this was his lifes work. We believed he wanted to wipe out the entire galaxy and him be the last one left, living eternally alone. We were wrong. He wanted this place, to be the only thing left in the galaxy, I learned this was the only place he could call home. The Jedi and Sith were nearly wiped out from the forces he had curated on this planet, so in surrender both factions made a treaty. They gave up, after I had been captured. Valkorion had spent years preparing me without my knowledge for him to take over my body, to force me from my own being, so he could take my form. I wasn't going to allow this to happen of course. His eldest son, Arcann betrayed him, killing him. He blamed me, locking me up in stasis for five long years until I was saved. I spent the next few years bringing up an alliance of the Sith, the Jedi, the Republic, and the Mandalorions to take him down. We were successful, but that is when his child Vaylin took over. She was stronger, so strong that even Valkorion himself feared her. She killed many of my friends. Eventually I took her down and I took over the throne that commands this planet and its assets the eternal fleet. I saved the planet, gave that power to another, so I could return to my home in the republic and the Jedi, I gave the power back to Arcann. Go to the throne, so you can speak to their new leader. So you can open the vault that Arcann left for whoever I sent." Cal preached, explaining the past of his life, the past of this planet.

"How do we know their friendly?" Ahsoka asked.

"Well guess we'll have to find out Soka, look" Lux answered for the Jedi, pointing out the window to a few ships approaching them.

"They're hailing us-" Lux said looking to Ahsoka for instruction.

"Put em through." She ordered.

"Unidentified ship, you have entered our space. What is your purpose here, and who sent you?" A woman from the comms speaks, ordering answers.

"My name is Ahsoka Tano, I'm here with Lux Bonteri. This is gonna sound crazy, but the Outlander sent us-" Ahsoka answers.

"The Outlander?" The comms go quiet for a few minutes.

Ahsoka and Lux hold each others hands worried for what's about to happen.

"Ahsoka Tano are you there?" The woman voice asks over the comms after long minutes of silence.

"Yes I'm still here ma'am." She answers.

"Welcome to Zakuul, board our cruiser, I'll take you where you need to go!" The woman says happily.

Ahsoka motions the ship to dock with the Zakuulan cruiser.

"I know that presence in that voice if I've ever sensed one." Cal says happily his arms crossed in his ghost figure.

"Who is it?" Lux asks him.

"She's a descendent of Arcann." Cal says with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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